Greater Portland Association of Chinese Language Schools Bylaw
- Organization Name
Greater Portland Association of Chinese Language Schools (GPACLS)
- Purpose
- GPACLS is a non-profit, non-political, non-religion and is a voluntary, service oriented organization.
- It is not permitted to use this organization and its name for any profit, political and religious activities.
- Goal
- Provide Chinese culture education to interested students.
- Propagate Chinese culture to American public and mainstream educational organizations.
- Promote, support and enhance greater Portland metropolitan area Chinese Schools’ education functions.
- Hold academic competition to promote inter-member school activities.
- Involve and encourage interaction with other school associations throughout United States of America.
- Membership Qualification
- All Chinese language teaching schools in the greater Portland metropolitan area , which provide annual school information updates to the Overseas Compatriot Affair Commission of R.O.C. Seattle Culture Center , are qualified to apply for the membership.
- Applicants will be voted by the association board members at the association meeting to decide applicant’s acceptance.
- Member school’s authorized representative is its current principal or its current school person-in-charge.
- This association is comprised of school organizations, not individual parents or school teachers.
- Annual membership dues are to be decided by association board members at the association board meeting.
- All member schools shall have traditional Chinese curriculum.
- Association’s administration organization
- Association has one each of president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer.
- Association president is elected by its members at its annual August association board meeting. Only member school authorized representative can be elected to the association president.
- Each term starts on September 1 and ends on the following August 31 of each school year.
- Association administration staff includes vice-president, secretary and treasurer. These staffs are to be appointed by the association president. There is no qualification required of these staffs. Their term ends with its association president.
- Association president is authorized to form action committees. Committee members’ numbers and qualification are not restricted. Their terms end with its association president.
- Association president can appoint board advisors. Number and qualification of advisors are not restricted.
- Authority
- Association Board Meeting is the highest authority of policy making.
- Association President
i. Responsible to host the association board meeting. Administer association’s day to day business. Lead the member schools.
ii. Represent association conducting and participating in all activities that are associated with the purpose and goal of this association.
- Administration staff
i. Association Vice-President: Assists Association President in all the activities. Will administer association authority on behalf of the association president when the association president is not available.
ii. Association Secretary: Responsible to all association board meeting minutes, official communicate and documentations. Will administer association authority when both association president and association vice-president are not available.
iii. Association Treasurer: Responsible for all association financial matters including bookkeeping of all income and expenditures. Will administer association authority when association president, vice-president and secretary are not available.
- Association Board Meeting attendees qualification
i. Only member school principal, person-in-charge or its authorized representative can attend association board meeting.
ii. All other overseas Chinese language teaching related personnel are allowed to sit in the meeting (not officially attending the meeting) with no right to decide any association policy matters.
iii. Association board meeting frequency is based on the need of the association matters. Meeting dates and locations are to be determined by the association president and its administration staff.
iv. Non-prescheduled association board meeting can be called by the association president. Non-prescheduled association board meeting has the same policy making authority as the scheduled association board meeting.
- Authority of Association Board Meeting
i. Association Board Meeting has the authority to elect, agree, impeach and recall:
- To elect association president: nominee has to obtain more than half of the meeting attendees’ votes to be elected to the association president.
- To impeach and recall association president: More than two third of the attendees’ votes can impeach, recall association president.
ii. Association Board Meeting has the authority to revise the association’s bylaw:
- Association bylaw revision proposal has to be submitted in writing to the association board meeting by the attendees.
- Association bylaw revision can only be officially discussed or debated at the association board meeting when more than half of the member school representatives attending the association board meeting.
- Attendees can attend the board meeting either in person or via electronic means, i,e, phone or video phone.
- Bylaw revision can only be adopted if and only if more than two third of the attendees voted to adopt.
- All adopted association bylaw revision will take effect after it is announced via e-mail or regular mail for thirty days beginning from the e-mail sent date or post-marked date.
- Member school representative has to attend association board meeting. Each representative has one vote. A written statement has to be issued by the official school representative to the association board meeting to appoint a different person to represent said school.
- If any of the member schools violate association’s purpose or goal, such member school can be disqualified from the association membership through the same process as the association bylaw revision.
- Activities
- Activities shall be decided by the association board meeting.
- The following activities have to take place within each school year:
i. Spring or Autumn teaching demonstrations.
ii. Summer teachers’ workshop.
iii. Summer camp.
- All other activities will be proposed, discussed and decided by the association board meeting.
- Association member schools will take turns to host different activities. Association action committees can be assigned to host association activities.
by gpacls