ehomework 春季 第十週(4/10-4/16/2016)

1.請完成第三冊美洲華語作業本第九課 151-155;161-162 頁練習。

Please finish MeiZhou Chinese Level Three practicing sheets page 151-155;161-162  .

2.請完成課本第九十和九十一頁錄音,錄音前請盡力背誦所有課文再行錄音。(最遲不要超過 星期六 晚上九時三十分繳交錄音功課)


Please record the sentences of text book page 90-91;listen carefully of all pronunciation and tune.  Please practice more times after you speak fluently then do the recording.

SENTENCES Lesson Nine-2

4.try to record before Saturday (4/16 9:00 PM); Thnaks!

準備錄音 go recording

我的錄音結果與老師評論my recording and comment from teacher





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