3rd Week of Spring Semester (2/05-2/11/2017)

1.請完成第三冊美洲華語作業本第七課 109-113頁練習。

Please finish MeiZhou Chinese Level Three practicing sheets L7W1 page 109-113 .

2.請完成課本第六十八,六十九頁句子練習錄音,錄音前請盡力背誦所有課文再行錄音。(最遲不要超過 星期六 晚上九時三十分繳交錄音功課)

Please record the text  book page 68/69 sentences total have eight sentences , click the following link(the words-go recording) and will help you recording and submitting the ehomework. Please try to recite all of the text before recording .(due time: before 2/11/2017 9:30 PM)

Lesson Seven Text-1

Lesson Seven Word-1

Lesson Seven Sentences

WMACS Characters Competition -2017

Group A WORDS-1 to 25


準備錄音 go recording

我的錄音結果與老師評論 my recording and comment from teacher