1. Quizlet: (Choose different study mode, choose ¨scatter¨ game to play)

2. Stroke order 笔(bǐ) 画(huà) 顺(shùn) 序(xù):Click on each character to learn. (The read part is its radical.)


Chinese Vocabulary


*Click to generate your own vocabulary.

1. Quizlet: (Choose different study mode, choose ¨scatter¨ game to play)

2. Stroke order 笔(bǐ) 画(huà) 顺(shùn) 序(xù):Click on each character to learn. (The read part is its radical.)

Chinese Vocabulary


*Click to generate your own vocabulary.


It´s interesting. 看看外國人如何教中文也能給老師們一些啟發。



1. Quizlet: (Choose different study mode, choose ¨scatter¨ game to play)

2. Stroke order 笔(bǐ) 画(huà) 顺(shùn) 序(xù):Click on each character to learn. (The read part is its radical.)

Chinese Vocabulary


*Click to generate your own vocabulary.

 1. Quizlet: (Choose different study mode, choose ¨scatter¨ game to play)

2. Stroke order 笔(bǐ) 画(huà) 顺(shùn) 序(xù):Click on each character to learn. (The read part is its radical.)

Chinese Vocabulary


*Click to generate your own vocabulary.

 1. Quizlet: (Choose different study mode, choose ¨scatter¨ game to play) 

 2. Stroke order: 笔(bǐ) 画(huà) 顺(shùn) 序(xù):Click on each character to learn.  (The read part is its radical.)

Chinese Vocabulary

                    西             stop

*Click to generate your own vocabulary.



This is the presentation I made today at Sin Heng E-Learning Center. The topic is "Resources on Huayuworld.org".

1. Click on the following 2 videos, listen and watch the characters, then tell me how many of them you recognize, can you type them out in the message below? (Click the image to open the video) (Source: Better Chinese).

L8 今天是幾月幾日

    L9 今天是星期幾

2. Quizlet: (Choose different study mode, choose ¨scatter¨ game to play)

Remember to "sign in" first. When you sign in, you need to put the age over 13 years old, or you will not permitted to play the game.

3. Stroke order: 笔(bǐ) 画(huà) 顺(shùn) 序(xù):Click on each character to learn. (The read part is its radical.)

Chinese Vocabulary


*Click to generate your own vocabulary.

1. Quizlet: (Choose different study mode, choose ¨scatter¨ game to play)

2. Stroke order: 笔(bǐ) 画(huà) 顺(shùn) 序(xù):Click on each character to learn.  (The blue part is its radical.)

Chinese Vocabulary


*Click to generate your own vocabulary.

(the animation characters are from http://www.mdbg.net)