January 28

2013 Chinese Yo-Yo

This week lower school and middle school Chinese students were taught how to use a Chinese YoYo by the Formosa Association of Sudent Cultural Ambassadors (FASCA) from Portland Oregon. FASCA is a group of young students whose main goal is to share an exciting piece of Taiwan’s culture with the world; this time they chose the Chinese YoYo! The group shared an engaging power point presentation to introduce the YoYo’s history and its place in modern day Taiwan, demonstrated many fascinating tricks that can be performed with the yoyo, and finally Ashbrook students were invited to try the YoYos themselves.
Our Chinese middle school class will continue to practice the skills that they learned, and will teach each Ashbrook student how to use the Chinese YoYo at the Foreign Language Festival on Friday, February 8th!
Thank you to Portland FASCA members Ivy, Ian and Brandon for sharing a piece of their culture and parents for creating this wonderful experience for our students!106950-photosIMG_6471IMG_6374224519-IMG_6645224518-IMG_6570

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Posted 2013-01-28 by ashbrook1997 in category Culture Class