按月存檔:2 月 2017


The scores for last weekend’s quiz 6 was not as good as previous quizzes.  Its probably due to the Chinese New Year.  We need to remind our kids that like a lot of things, you only learn as much as your put in. 
When I was given out report cards, I noticed some students really care about the scores.  If your kids fall into that category, please let me know ahead of time.  While I am not sure if the school will keep on giving out trophies, I can always make some “teacher’s prizes”.  We have a lot of good students in the class this year.
There are no classes for next two weeks.  See you on March 4.  There will be a quiz on Lesson 7 on March 4.
This weekend is the final week to register for writing competition.
Inline image 1


希望大家渡過了一個溫馨,沒有中文功課的一星期! Winter break 以前我會把第七課教完。
I hope everyone had a warm, relaxing (no Chinese homework) week! I will finish teaching Lesson 7 before the winter break.

成績單這禮拜會發給小朋友。我們班上的小朋友程度大致上都很好。。。 有一群好到我們教學的内容對他們來講很簡單。請家長鼓勵小朋友幫忙其他的小朋友,或者是帶自己喜歡的中文書籍來班上,等大家的時候可以拿出來看。好嗎?
The report card is going home this week. Most of our kids are doing very well… so much so that the material might be too easy for some students. Please encourage your children to help the classmates. Instead of being bored, have your kids bring their favorite Chinese book they can read while waiting for others.

Below are summarized information about writing and speech contests.

作文、書法、識字競賽 (Writing Contest):
報名截止日期:2017年 2月12日
舉辦日期:2017 年 3 月 11 日(星期六)下午 1:20 至下午 5:00
活動地點:Interlake High School, 16245 NE 24th St, Bellevue, WA 98008

演講、朗誦、多媒體簡報比賽 (Speech Contest):
報名截止日期:2017年3月22日 (本校報名截止是3/18日)
舉辦日期:2017年4月22日(星期六)下午1:30 -5:00
活動地點:BLDG10 Highline Community College 2400 S.240thStreet, Des Moines, WA 98093