按月存檔:6 月 2017


不知不覺的 (?!) 我們已經到了學期末。謝謝你們這一年來的支持與信任。我也非常感謝很多家長花時間幫助小朋友寫功課,以及來教室幫忙。希望這一點一滴的付出是值得的。謝謝小朋友給我機會,讓我認識他們,看他們學習,進步。
Can you believe it’s the end of school year?  Thank you so much for your trust and support this year.  I am also very thankful for parents who helped their kids with homework, and helped me in the classroom.  I hope it proves to be worth a while.  For me, it’s rewarding to get to know the students, and see them grow.
  • 結業典禮將在 Bellevue High School.  地址是:10416 Wolverine Way,Bellevue, WA 98004.  The ceremony will be hold at Bellevue High School and the address is: 10416 Wolverine Way,Bellevue, WA 98004.
  • 請於8點50分在學校大廳前的走廊找我。我應該會有一面牌子。Please meet me at the front lobby at 8:50 AM.  I should be holding a sign.
  • 我會把功課簿成績單,還有暑假作業交給小朋友。請大家盡量參加。如果不能來,學校會把成績單留到下年度。I will be giving homework folder, report card as well as summer homework to student。  If you can not make it, the school will keep the report card until the next school year.
  • 因為暑假時間可能有小朋友要插板考試,期末考將不會發回。學校會把期末考留到下年度。Since there might be kids taking exams in the summer, we won’t be giving back the final exam.  The school will keep the final exam until the next school year.