
1. 筆順Flash 擷取器

2. 師大國語中心生字簿 beta版

3. 台灣教育部常用國字標準字體–生字練習簿

4. 可手動調整速度的簡化版本:(Can manually adjust the speed of the stroke order)

5.查詢正/簡體漢字筆順及其相關詞彙:(Traditional/Simplified Chinese characters stroke order and related terms)


6.中文配對遊戲:(Matching game)


2 responses

  1. 表示:

    dear lao shi:
    This post is exelent no help me practice my chinese
    submit more of this posts.

  2. 表示:


    I hope you can come here as often as you can. Don’t forget to review Chinese during summer vacation. ^_^