Tag Archives: B1 Lesson Three

Homework Assignment (Lesson Three – Week 2)

  • Workbook A P.25 (Listen and repeat 2 times, every other day
  • Workbook A P.26 (Listen and repeat 2 times, every other day
  • Workbook A P.27, P28 (Part D only), P.31 and P.32
  • Choose one from of the following sentences, write it down on a piece of paper, 5 times with pinyin for each character.
    1. 我也是男生。 wǒ yě shì nán shēng (I am a boy, too.)
    2. 我也是女生。 wǒ yě shì nǚ shēng (I am a girl, too.)
  • Watch, learn and sing along with the 我的朋友在哪裡? (Where are my friends?) song. Send in a recording of your singing to earn 10 extra points.