
We have full attendance for the past four weeks.  Everyone also handed in their homework on time.  Thank you.
This week, the school wants your unwanted toys for donation!  Please help.
Also, there is parent’s education class in the cafeteria this Saturday.
上個星期六有我們的第一次小考,習題全部由作業上出。考試時, 唯一的提示是我在教室裡貼了第一課的生字。大部分的小朋友都還不錯。有85分以上的小朋友,我有把分數寫上。這星期第一節的寫作時間我會要求小朋友訂正錯誤來換貼紙,沒有改完的小朋友,請家長在家裡幫忙。我不想小朋友失去下課時間。
Last week we had our first quiz.  All the questions were from the homework.  The students were not helped except I placed all the new words from Lesson 1 on the board.  I only give grade to students who scored 85% or higher.  During our writing practice this Saturday morning, I will ask all the students to correct their mistakes.  If it’s not completed, please assist your kids at home as I don’t want them to loss their recesses.
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說到下課時間,我們班居然有4、5位學生會主動跟我要他們的寫作本 – writing folder,下課時間不下課,留在班上寫來贏貼紙!  有一、兩位小朋友已經把生字單寫到第九課。這真是我意想不到,讓我高興的意外!
We have four, five kids who opted to stay in the class during recesses to progress on their writing folder!  This is a nice surprise.  Two students have reached Lesson 9.  This is totally expected as all they earn is a sticker for filling a page.
Finally, thank so much for your cooperation.  I got most of the homework back.  However, I am still missing 5 flash cards.  Please bring them this Saturday.  Thank you.


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