
上星期的期末考小朋友表現的還不錯喔! 我們2月4日發上學期成績單。
As expected, many students did well in the final exam last week.  We will be given out report cards on February 4th.
Inline image 1

再來,學校的行事曆又更新了。請參照  http://tzuchiacademyseattle.blogspot.com/
The school calendar has been updated.  Please refer to http://tzuchiacademyseattle.blogspot.com/
On Tzu Chi school’s website, you will find the latest news on Chinese New Year Celebration that will be held on January 28.  At 9:10am in the morning, I will bring the kids from the classroom to the gym.  We will watch some shows before free activities.  I myself has been assigned to “ring toss” booth.  The kids will by their own with their friends to go from booth to booth.  You can pick up your kids in the gym at 11:50am.  Before you go though, please come over to the “ring toss” station and let me know that the kid is safe with you.  Please remind your kid to wear uniform on that day.  =) Join us if you can!



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