
實務練習題目: 利用web 2.0工具製作聽力或寫作練習活動

教學對象: 非華裔中學生(12-15)   程度: 初級

應用(一): Voki + Google 考題

將此voki放在moodle及blog,學生可針對課堂上練習的"打招呼"及"問名字" 回家做聽力練習。再輔以Google做的簡單問答題,讓學生以拼音輸入回答問題。

Get a Voki now!



應用(二): 教師利用 Voicethread 製作一份以"衣著"為主題的簡報,之後請學生跟著簡報的播放錄下自己的聲音以進行口語練習。


應用(三): 利用 Voxopop 請學生錄製一段自我介紹,內容包含:姓名、年齡、生日、家人、居住地、就讀年級等。

Self-Intro (Voxopop)



Colors and transportation (Penzu) 

4 responses

  1. 表示:

    dear lao shi:
    Exelent posts the ones of the blog they are the best to learn chinese and to have a lot of fun at the same time i will create a voki right now
    thank you very much, you are the best of all
    agustin dasso

  2. yamila表示:

    Ja! Agustin. I want to see your Voki, too. You learn a lot this time.

  3. 表示:

    hello lao shi, great posts, they help me a lot and i really have a great time in these blog..
    thank very much and congratulations for this excellent blog!,,

  4. yamila表示:

    Martina, finally I can see you here in my blog. Keep practicing and enjoy the games.