

20141213日的回家作業有兩項。第一、要請同學寫完第四課Workbook A & B;第二、要請同學隨著樂曲You Raise Me Up – Instrumental Violin Evert van Niekerk.wmv,演唱「你鼓勵我」(You Raise Me Up的中文版),並且透過vocaroo錄下來,在201518日之前以電子郵件傳給老師,你可以一個人唱、也可以找同學一起唱。

此外,附上13日上課時第四課的ppt20141205-06_Living Mandarin_Lesson 4.ppt,以及和第四課生字有關的影片14支(取自網路資源)Awesome_好厲害.wmvChopsticks_筷子.wmvMartial Arts_功夫.wmvSpiderman_蜘蛛人.wmvVoice_聲音.wmv功夫/鍜鍊/身體.wmv老闆.wmv差一點兒/嚇死.wmv差一點兒/嚇死/貓/湯/花.wmv彈回來/餓餓.WMV嚇死/天花板/房子/燃燒.wmv聲音/感動/車站/遇到/碰到/好聽/簡單_7 m 33 s.wmv聲音/踩.wmv雞蛋.wmv,可以請有興趣的同學再重新點閱複習。





Click to record;


錄完時Click to Stop,畫面會出現RetryListen


如果滿意請按Click here to save

可以看到Sharing to options,再按下email



Dear students of Grade 7-1 of Saturday in Minghua.

There are two assignments for this week (December 13th) .

1)      Please complete Workbook A and Workbook B of Lesson 4, Living Mandarin.

2)    Please sing and record the song “You Raise Me Up” in Chinese edition with instrumental You Raise Me Up – Instrumental Violin Evert van Niekerk.wmvon the website at http://vocaroo.com, then send it to me by January 8th (Thursday). You can sing the song solo or with your classmates.

In addition, here are the ppt20141205-06_Living Mandarin_Lesson 4.ppt and 14 videos (from website resources) Awesome_好厲害.wmvChopsticks_筷子.wmvMartial Arts_功夫.wmvSpiderman_蜘蛛人.wmvVoice_聲音.wmv功夫/鍜鍊/身體.wmv老闆.wmv差一點兒/嚇死.wmv差一點兒/嚇死/貓/湯/花.wmv彈回來/餓餓.WMV嚇死/天花板/房子/燃燒.wmv聲音/感動/車站/遇到/碰到/好聽/簡單_7 m 33 s.wmv聲音/踩.wmv雞蛋.wmvregarding the lesson 4 vocabularies in case you are interested in reviewing them.

The next class will be on January 10th, 2015. Please be advised that you have to bring your indoor shoes to the school in case of snowing, because boots are not allowed in the classroom.

Wish you a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. See you on January 10th.

Here are the steps on the vocaroo website. 

Please go to the website http://vocaroo.com.

Click “Click to record”.

Click the box of 允許on the left of the pop window to start recording.

After you finish recording, click “Click to stop”, it will show “Retry” & “Listen”.

You may click “Listen” to review your recording.

If you don’t like it, click “Retry”.

If you are OK with your recording, click “Click here to save”.

You will see “Sharing to options”, and then click “email” on the right box.

Please input my email address gotrainset@hotmail.com.

Your recording will be sent to me.



20141212日的回家作業有兩項。第一、要請同學寫完第四課Workbook A & B;第二、要請同學隨著樂曲You Raise Me Up – Instrumental Violin Evert van Niekerk.wmv,演唱「你鼓勵我」(You Raise Me Up的中文版),並且透過vocaroo錄下來,在201518日之前以電子郵件傳給老師,你可以一個人唱、也可以找同學一起唱。

此外,附上12日上課時第四課的ppt20141205-06_Living Mandarin_Lesson 4.ppt,以及和第四課生字有關的影片14支(取自網路資源)Awesome_好厲害.wmvChopsticks_筷子.wmvMartial Arts_功夫.wmvSpiderman_蜘蛛人.wmvVoice_聲音.wmv功夫/鍜鍊/身體.wmv老闆.wmv差一點兒/嚇死.wmv差一點兒/嚇死/貓/湯/花.wmv彈回來/餓餓.WMV嚇死/天花板/房子/燃燒.wmv聲音/感動/車站/遇到/碰到/好聽/簡單_7 m 33 s.wmv聲音/踩.wmv雞蛋.wmv,可以請有興趣的同學再重新點閱複習。





Click to record;


錄完時Click to Stop,畫面會出現RetryListen


如果滿意請按Click here to save

可以看到Sharing to options,再按下email



Dear students of Grade 7-1 of Friday in Minghua.

There are two assignments for this week (December 12th) .

1)      Please complete Workbook A and Workbook B of Lesson 4, Living Mandarin.

2)    Please sing and record the song “You Raise Me Up” in Chinese edition with instrumental You Raise Me Up – Instrumental Violin Evert van Niekerk.wmvon the website at http://vocaroo.com, then send it to me by January 8th (Thursday). You can sing the song solo or with your classmates.

In addition, here are the ppt20141205-06_Living Mandarin_Lesson 4.ppt and 14 videos (from website resources) Awesome_好厲害.wmvChopsticks_筷子.wmvMartial Arts_功夫.wmvSpiderman_蜘蛛人.wmvVoice_聲音.wmv功夫/鍜鍊/身體.wmv老闆.wmv差一點兒/嚇死.wmv差一點兒/嚇死/貓/湯/花.wmv彈回來/餓餓.WMV嚇死/天花板/房子/燃燒.wmv聲音/感動/車站/遇到/碰到/好聽/簡單_7 m 33 s.wmv聲音/踩.wmv雞蛋.wmvregarding the lesson 4 vocabularies in case you are interested in reviewing them.

The next class will be on January 9th, 2015. Please be advised that you have to bring your indoor shoes to the school in case of snowing, because boots are not allowed in the classroom.

Wish you a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. See you on January 9th.

Here are the steps on the vocaroo website. 

Please go to the website http://vocaroo.com.

Click “Click to record”.

Click the box of 允許on the left of the pop window to start recording.

After you finish recording, click “Click to stop”, it will show “Retry” & “Listen”.

You may click “Listen” to review your recording.

If you don’t like it, click “Retry”.

If you are OK with your recording, click “Click here to save”.

You will see “Sharing to options”, and then click “email” on the right box.

Please input my email address gotrainset@hotmail.com.

Your recording will be sent to me.




此外,126日也學習第四課生字詞,附上ppt20141205-06_Living Mandarin_Lesson 4.ppt讓有與趣複習的同學點閱學習。

Dear students of Grade 7-1 of Saturday in Minghua.

The homework for this week (December 6th) is to write an article (min. 100 words). Please APPLY the vocabulary that you have learned from lesson 1 to lesson 3, as many as you can making sure that it makes sense. You can choose any topic that you like and write about it. Please underline all the vocabulary that you apply in your article. The article is due next week. (December 13th)

In addition, we were learning lesson 4 in the class on December 6. Here is the ppt 20141205-06_Living Mandarin_Lesson 4.pptof lesson 4. You might be interested in reviewing that.  




此外,125日也學習第四課生字詞,附上ppt20141205-06_Living Mandarin_Lesson 4.ppt供有與趣複習的同學點閱學習。

Dear students of Grade 7-1 of Friday in Minghua.

The homework for this week (December 5th) is to write an article (min. 100 words). Please APPLY the vocabulary that you have learned from lesson 1 to lesson 3, as many as you can making sure that it makes sense. You can choose any topic that you like and write about it. Please underline all the vocabulary that you apply in your article. The article is due next week. (December 12th)

In addition, we were learning lesson 4 in the class on December 5. Here is the ppt20141205-06_Living Mandarin_Lesson 4.ppt of lesson 4. You might be interested in reviewing that.





20141129日的回家作業,要請同學修正考試中的錯誤,補寫正確的答案,並請把考試卷拿給父母親簽名。考試中,十七支影片相關字詞的ppt如下20141128_Video Answers.ppt,同學可以點閱複習。




缺考: 2


100分以上: 2


99~90: 3


89~80: 3


79~70: 12


69~60: 9




Dear Minghua Saturday Grade 7-1 students,


The homework for this week (November 29th) is to correct the mistakes in your assessment. Please hand your assessment sheet to your parents for signatures. In addition, here are all the vocabularies20141128_Video Answers.ppt that are related to the 17 videos in the assessment. You might be interested in reviewing them.


According to the YRDSB policy, oral is 60%, reading and writing are 40% in total for grade 7 students. Regarding the mid-term assessment, here are the score statistics for the class.


Absent: 2


Above 100: 2


99~90: 3


89~80: 3


79~70: 12


69~60: 9




20141128日的回家作業,要請同學修正考試中的錯誤,補寫正確的答案,並請把考試卷拿給父母親簽名。考試中,十七支影片相關字詞的ppt如下20141128_Video Answers.ppt,同學可以點閱複習。




缺考: 1人


100分以上: 2


99~90: 5


89~80: 4


79~70: 8


69~60: 4




Dear Minghua Friday Grade 7-1 students,


The homework for this week (November 28th) is to correct the mistakes in your assessment. Please hand your assessment sheet to your parents for signatures. In addition, here are all the vocabularies20141128_Video Answers.ppt that are related to the 17 videos in the assessment. You might be interested in reviewing them.


According to the YRDSB policy, oral is 60%, reading and writing are 40% in total for grade 7 students. Regarding the mid-term assessment, here are the score statistics for the class.


Absent: 1


Above 100: 2


99~90: 5


89~80: 4


79~70: 8


69~60: 4