

201635日的回家作業,要請同學看Nick Vujicic的短影片/視頻https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isYFevAY-Uk,以手寫方式寫一篇至少50個字的看後感想,請儘量應用到從第一課到第七課所學過的字詞,作業請在下次上課時(42日)交給老師;還要請同學把所寫的作業唸一次,並到錄音網站vocaroo上,錄下你唸的作業,最晚在331日(星期四)之前以電子郵件寄給老師。 

第七課的字詞ppt在此20160226-27_Living Mandarin_Lesson 7_update,請有興趣的同學可以點閱複習。 




Click to record;


錄完時Click to Stop,畫面會出現RetryListen;


如果滿意請按Click here to save;

可以看到Sharing to options,再按下email;




Dear students of Grade 7-1 on Saturday in Minghua. 

The assignment for this week (March 5th) is to watch the video “Nick Vujicic”(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isYFevAY-Uk), in which you will be writing a minimum of 50 words reflection based off of the video. You must incorporate words that you have learnt throughout lesson 1 to 7. The more the better! Please hand in your handwriting next class on April 2th. In addition, please read and record your article on the website at http://vocaroo.com, and then sends it to me by March 31. (Thursday)   

Here is the ppt of lesson 720160226-27_Living Mandarin_Lesson 7_update in case you are interested in reviewing them.  

The following three weeks are March Break, so there is no class. The first class after the break is on April 2.

Here are the steps. 

Please go to the website http://vocaroo.com.

Click “Click to record”.

Click the box of 「允許」on the left of the pop window to start recording.

After you finish recording, click “Click to stop”, it will show “Retry” & “Listen”.

You may click “Listen” to review your recording. If you don’t like it, click “Retry”.

If you are OK with your recording, click “Click here to save”.

You will see “Sharing to options”, and then click “email” on the right box.

Please input my email address gotrainset@hotmail.com.

Your recording will be sent to me. 



201634日的回家作業,要請同學看Nick Vujicic的短影片/視頻https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isYFevAY-Uk,以手寫方式寫一篇至少50個字的看後感想,請儘量應用到從第一課到第七課所學過的字詞,作業請在下次上課時(41日)交給老師;還要請同學把所寫的作業唸一次,並到錄音網站vocaroo上,錄下你唸的作業,最晚在331日(星期四)之前以電子郵件寄給老師。  

第七課的字詞ppt在此20160226-27_Living Mandarin_Lesson 7_update請有興趣的同學可以點閱複習。  




Click to record;


錄完時Click to Stop,畫面會出現RetryListen;


如果滿意請按Click here to save;

可以看到Sharing to options,再按下email;




Dear students of Grade 7-1 on Friday in Minghua.

The assignment for this week (March 4th) is to watch the video “Nick Vujicic”(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isYFevAY-Uk), in which you will be writing a minimum of 50 words reflection based off of the video. You must incorporate words that you have learnt throughout lesson 1 to 7. The more the better! Please hand in your a handwriting next class on April 1th. In addition, please read and record your article on the website at http://vocaroo.com, and then sends it to me by March 31. (Thursday)   

Here is the ppt20160226-27_Living Mandarin_Lesson 7_update of lesson 7 in case you are interested in reviewing them.  

The following three weeks are March Break, so there is no class. The first class after the break is on April 1.

Here are the steps. 

Please go to the website http://vocaroo.com.

Click “Click to record”.

Click the box of 「允許」on the left of the pop window to start recording.

After you finish recording, click “Click to stop”, it will show “Retry” & “Listen”.

You may click “Listen” to review your recording. If you don’t like it, click “Retry”.

If you are OK with your recording, click “Click here to save”.

You will see “Sharing to options”, and then click “email” on the right box.

Please input my email address gotrainset@hotmail.com.

Your recording will be sent to me.