


本周回家作業,請補正上課時的聽寫;如果來不及聽寫,請把廿四日所教的第五課生字(20180223-24 – Lesson 5)抄寫一遍。

本周學習第五課,有興趣複習第五課的同學,可到網站https://quizlet.com/161453074/lesson-five-flash-cards/分別點選Learn, Flashcards, Match, Gravity,以遊戲方式複習第五課的發音和認字  


Dear students of Grade 7-1 of Saturday in Minghua.

We are going to have a contest of reciting the two poems of Tang dynasty (送孟浩然之廣陵http://media.huayuworld.org/culture/topic/03html/14new.htm渭城曲http://media.huayuworld.org/culture/topic/03html/34new.htmin class next class on March 3th. Please do memorize two poems of Tang dynasty.   

The assignment for this week is to correct the dictation in class on Feb. 24. If you didn’t write down vocabulary in time, please copy vocabulary you learnt (lesson 5, 20180223-24 – Lesson 5) on Feb. 24.  

In addition, if you are interested in reviewing lesson 5, please click the website link https://quizlet.com/161453074/lesson-five-flash-cards/, and then click Learn, Flashcards, Match, Gravity individually to play the game. The game can help you to recognize vocabulary and practice the pronunciation.




本周回家作業,請補正上課時的聽寫;如果來不及聽寫,請把廿三日所教的第五課生字(20180223-24 – Lesson 5抄寫一遍。

本周學習第五課,有興趣複習第五課的同學,可到網站https://quizlet.com/161453074/lesson-five-flash-cards/分別點選Learn, Flashcards, Match, Gravity,以遊戲方式複習第五課的發音和認字。


Dear students of Grade 7-1 of Friday in Minghua.

We are going to have a contest of reciting the two poems of Tang dynasty (送孟浩然之廣陵http://media.huayuworld.org/culture/topic/03html/14new.htm渭城曲http://media.huayuworld.org/culture/topic/03html/34new.htmin class on March 2th. Please do memorize two poems of Tang dynasty.   

The assignment for this week is to correct the dictation in class on Feb. 23. If you didn’t write down vocabulary in time, please copy vocabulary you learnt (lesson 5, 20180223-24 – Lesson 5) on Feb. 23.  

In addition, if you are interested in reviewing lesson 5, please click the website link https://quizlet.com/161453074/lesson-five-flash-cards/, and then click Learn, Flashcards, Match, Gravity individually to play the game. The game can help you to recognize vocabulary and practice the pronunciation.





另外,「2018年加拿大多倫多地區兒童華語文能力測驗」,定於421日(周六)下午2時起,於Unionville High School內舉行。該項測驗共分萌芽級、成長級、茁壯級。可報考簡體字測驗(報名費18元)或正體字測驗(16元)兩種,報名費請以支票支付。報名簡章2018 CCCC guidelines – 兒童華語文能力測驗報考簡章和報名表2018 CCCC registration – 兒童華語文能力測驗報名表如附,請打印後填寫報名,盼請家長能鼓勵您的子女踴躍報考,以鑑定學習的成果。敬請家長協助貴子女填寫報名表後,於224日之前,將報名表和支票交給老師,由銘華中文學校代為報名


Dear students of Grade 7-1 on Saturday in Minghua. 

Welcome to the blog 「瘋華語-Mandarinsanity」. 

The assignment for this week is to write an article, “The dinner on New Year’s Dinner” (at least 100 words). Please APPLY auspicious words and the vocabulary that you have learnt from lesson 1~4 as many as you can. The article is due next class. (February 24th

Next week has no class. Next class will be on February 24.

In addition, the 2018 Children’s Chinese Competency Test will be held at 2:00 pm on April 21 (Saturday). The location will be at Unionville High School. Regarding the test level, there are sprouting, seedling and blossoming levels. You can decide which level your children are going to attend for the test. Your children may have the option either for the simplified test or traditional test. For simplified test, it costs $18 and $16 for traditional test. Please pay it by check attaching with the registration form. The guideline 2018 CCCC guidelines – 兒童華語文能力測驗報考簡章 and registration 2018 CCCC registration – 兒童華語文能力測驗報名表 form are attached. You can print a copy of the attached files and fill it out. This test is not mandatory but please encourages your children to attend for assessing the result of learning. Please hand in the registration form with the check in the upcoming class by February 24th. Minghua will forward your registration form and check to the test centre. 





另外,「2018年加拿大多倫多地區兒童華語文能力測驗」,定於421日(周六)下午2時起,於Unionville High School內舉行。該項測驗共分萌芽級、成長級、茁壯級。可報考簡體字測驗(報名費18元)或正體字測驗(16元)兩種,報名費請以支票支付。報名簡2018 CCCC guidelines – 兒童華語文能力測驗報考簡章和報名表2018 CCCC registration – 兒童華語文能力測驗報名表如附,請打印後填寫報名,盼請家長能鼓勵您的子女踴躍報考,以鑑定學習的成果。敬請家長協助貴子女填寫報名表後,於223日之前,將報名表和支票交給老師,由銘華中文學校代為報名。


Dear students of Grade 7-1 on Friday in Minghua.

Welcome to the blog 「瘋華語-Mandarinsanity」.

The assignment for this week is to write an article, “The dinner on New Year’s Dinner” (at least 100 words). Please APPLY auspicious words and the vocabulary that you have learnt from lesson 1~4 as many as you can. The article is due next class. (February 23th

Next week has no class. Next class will be on February 23.

In addition, the 2018 Children’s Chinese Competency Test will be held at 2:00pm on April 21 (Saturday). The location will be at Unionville High School. Regarding the test level, there are sprouting, seedling and blossoming levels. You can decide which level your children are going to attend for the test. Your children may have the option either for the simplified test or traditional test. For simplified test, it costs $18 and $16 for traditional test. Please pay it by check attaching with the registration form. The guideline 2018 CCCC guidelines – 兒童華語文能力測驗報考簡章 and registration 2018 CCCC registration – 兒童華語文能力測驗報名表 form are attached. You can print a copy of the attached files and fill it out. This test is not mandatory but please encourages your children to attend for assessing the result of learning. Please hand in the registration form with the check in the upcoming class by February 23th. Minghua will forward your registration form and check to the test centre.



本周回家作業,請設計一張「寫給爸爸媽媽的新年賀卡」,請儘量運用第一課到第四課學過的字詞,和學過的吉祥話Auspicious Words of year of the Dog,在賀卡中祝福爸爸媽媽,請在下一次上課時(二月十日)交給老師。 



Dear students of Grade 7-1 on Saturday in Minghua. 

Welcome to the blog 「瘋華語-Mandarinsanity」.

The assignment for this week is to design a (New Year) greeting card to your parents. Please write down your greetings to your parents by APPLYING auspicious words Auspicious Words of year of the Dog and the vocabulary that you have learnt from lesson 1~4 as many as you can. The greeting card is due next class. (February 10th)

In addition, we will have a Chinese New Year carnival in the gym on Feb. 10th. Please be advised that you have to bring your indoor shoes to the school on that day, because boots are not allowed in the gym. Please do not bring any precious items to the carnival as well. Please wear the traditional Chinese dress at the carnival on Feb. 10th as far as possible. Please bring a bag for your prizes. Parents are welcomed to join us and celebrate the Chinese New Year at the gym.



本周回家作業,請設計一張「寫給爸爸媽媽的新年賀卡」,請儘量運用第一課到第四課學過的字詞,和學過的吉祥話Auspicious Words of year of the Dog,在賀卡中祝福爸爸媽媽,請在下一次上課時(二月九日)交給老師。 



Dear students of Grade 7-1 on Friday in Minghua.

Welcome to the blog 「瘋華語-Mandarinsanity」. 

The assignment for this week is to design a (New Year) greeting card to your parents. Please write down your greetings to your parents by APPLYING auspicious words Auspicious Words of year of the Dog and the vocabulary that you have learnt from lesson 1~4 as many as you can. The greeting card is due next class. (February 9th

In addition, we will have a Chinese New Year carnival in the gym on Feb. 9th. Please be advised that you have to bring your indoor shoes to the school on that day, because boots are not allowed in the gym. Please do not bring any precious items to the carnival as well. Please wear the traditional Chinese dress at the carnival on Feb. 9th as far as possible. Please bring a bag for your prizes. Parents are welcomed to join us and celebrate the Chinese New Year at the gym.