2007~2008 Winter Term

谷心中文學校Corvallis Chinese School
親愛的家長們:           您們好!中文學校2008年冬季班將於一月十一日開學
時間:  每星期五晚上630PM~ 830PM 
地點:  Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
(435 N.W. 21st street Corvallis, OR 97330) 

本學期將上課十次(1/11, 1/18, 1/25, 2/8, 2/15, 2/22, 2/29, 3/7, 3/14, 3/21)
 請將支票(抬頭請寫Corvallis Chinese School)寄到:
Ms.  Yea-Ching Wu 
           3823 NW Boxwood Dr.            Corvallis, OR 97330
若有任何疑問或建議請e-mail CorvallisChineseSchool@comcast.net
中文學校理事會 敬上 20071130Dear Parents: 
The Winter Term 2008 Corvallis Chinese School will begin on Jan.11, 2008.
The Computer Aided Teaching Method is utilized in the bilingual class.  
Time:    Friday nights at 6:30 ~ 8:30 PM
Place:   Grace Lutheran Church (435 N.W. 21st street Corvallis, OR 97330)    
Class meeting schedule:               2008 (1/11, 1/18, 1/25, 2/8, 2/15, 2/22, 2/29, 3/7, 3/14, 3/21)  
The registration fee for the 2008 Winter term is $55, if the fee is paid by December 21, 2007, and $60 thereafter. 
Please send the check (payable to Corvallis Chinese School) as soon as possible to:  
Ms.  Yea-Ching Wu 
           3823 NW Boxwood Dr.            Corvallis, OR 97330   
 Sincerely,The Board of Corvallis Chinese School                                           November, 30.  2007

CorvallisChineseSchool@comcast.net谷心中文學校Corvallis Chinese School

親愛的家長們: 為方便家長安排時間,以下是2008年冬季班的活動預報:
 1.    中文學校將於一月二十五日2008年舉辦春節聚餐活動二月九日在 Multi-culture Center將會有老師及學生作品展覽詳情於一月十八日另行通知。
2.    為配合2008年春節於Multi-culture Center的活動及展覽,陸璋老師將指導製作環保袋。時間:   12/6, 12/7, 12/13, 12/14,  9:00AM-12:00 NOON地點:   畫話坊材料:   請自備布袋,材料費另加。有興趣者請與徐惠珍聯絡(754-1708)
3.    為顧及下課時間(7:30-7:40PM)小孩的安全,中文學校決定,從下學期開始,請家長輪流在這十分鐘回學校幫忙看顧並管理秩序。有意願幫忙者請與王婷鈺聯絡(754-7803)  
中文學校理事會 敬上 20081130
2007 GLC

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