2010 Autumn Barbecue







活動時間 : 九月二十四日(周五) 下午五點至晚上九點
活動內容:介紹中秋節歷史與傳說/卡拉OK /烤肉趣/ 饗宴歡談
準備事項 : 歡迎自備菜餚或點心
活動地點 : 6206 S.W. GRAND OAKS DR., CORVALLIS, OR, 97333
*請於九月十七日(周五)前回覆各班級任導師*九月二十四日(周五) 所有教學班課程暫停一次

 Corvallis Chinese School- Autumn Barbecue

Dear Corvallis Chinese School Family and Friends:
We like to get together on September 24 (Fri) 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.
at 6206 S.W. GRAND OAKS DR., CORVALLIS, OR, 97330
to welcome back students.
There will be story telling of the Mid-Autumn Festival, barbecue and karaoke.
This is a pot-latch style gathering so feel free to bring your own snacks and dishes.
Event attendees are to tell their home room teachers before Sept. 17 whether they will be attending the event so we can get the appropriate amount of barbecue materials.

Hope to see you all there!  Bring friends and family!
Corvallis Chinese School
R.S.V.P. Corvallischineseschool@comcast.net or (541) 758-5552


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