2012 漢文風華慶中秋

2012-9-28-Han2012-9-29On Friday Sept. Corvallis Chinese School celebrated Confucius Day and the Moon Festival.  These are both traditional Chinese holidays which fall on the 28th and 30th respectively.  Confucius day is in recognition of Confucius birthday where students demonstrated traditional Chinese etiquette and expressions used to follow through with proper etiquette.  Students celebrated the Moon Cake festival by learning and making green bean cakes as well as folding their own paper boxes to carry their moon cakes in.  The moon cake festival is traditionally celebrated in Chinese culture as an annual harvest festival around the time when the crops are ready for picking.  感謝黃莉君(Lillian)老師的綠豆糕,課前的準備功夫,及當日全天參予五場不同的示範課程,吸引了上百人來品嘗綠豆糕,莊奇勳老師的攝影,房正明老師,徐惠珍老師,吳亞卿老師,陳輝澐理事(Ashbrook)的幫忙,使得晚上的台灣同學會都分享到糕餅文化宣傳的綠豆糕。

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