4/26 華人運動會通知 Track & Field Reminder

Dear Parents:

Please be sure to join in our track and field day and attendance counts.



4/26 華人運動會通知 Track & Field Reminder

日期: 4/26 星期六

集合時間: 8:00

集合地點: Mt. SAC 運動場請看附件地圖


4/26 全校師生當日請於早上 8:00 準時到達 Mt. SAC 運動場,請看附件查看地圖. Mt. SAC 運動場將收 $3停車費,請自備零錢.您可先停好車後,一小時內購買停車票,以免排隊太久,延誤入場報到時間.
請不要到校上課, Lemon 校園當日不開放.


攜帶:   請每個家庭帶一桶一加侖的飲用水,當日本校的學生與家長才能有足夠的飲用水.學生可自備防曬用品、帽子與點心零食,請勿帶電子用品,以免遺失


穿著:   所有參賽的中文學校師生,將參加開幕典禮,繞運動場一周.請穿孔孟T-shirt 制服.



















Date: 4/26 Saturday

Time: 8:00 am

Place: Mt. SAC Stadium – see map


be on time. On 4/26/2014 Saturday Morning at 8:00am, our whole school will meet
at Mt. Sac Hilmer Lodge Stadium located across the street from Mt. Sac Campus at
south of Temple Ave. Please see the attached map for direction. Mt SAC will
collect $3.00 per day for parking. Please prepare exact change for parking. You
can park your car first and purchase the parking ticket within 1 hour, so you will
not wait in line for a long time
and delay the check-in
Lemon Campus will be closed on that day.


What to bring: each family is required to bring a one-gallon
drinking water

We will fill the water to the school
water coolers, so our athletes
and parents will have drinking water throughout the day.
Other items can be brought for your children are: hats, sun screen, and snacks.
Please do not bring any electronic devices in case they got lost.


What to wear: CCLS T-shirt. If
your children are in the Tug-of–War teams, please have them wear long-sleeve
tops under the CCLS school uniform to protect their arms from rope burn.

teachers and students will march at the opening ceremony. Please have your
children wear our CCLS Chinese School T-shirt uniform
arriving on time at Mt SAC stadium.


games will be held in the morning right after the opening ceremony. Parents,
please wear sports attire, as we have signed up both men’s and women’s
tug-of-war teams. We need 15 dads and 15 moms for the teams.


check the schedules for your children’s events. Please be on time, no-show will
be disqualified. The listed event schedules are approximate, always arrive at
the field 10~20 minutes earlier, so your children will not miss their games.



Tug-of-war & relay
students report to each team’s helping parents.

your children signed up for both track and field events, and time conflicts,
you need to report to the hosting authority in advance. The field events
usually can be delayed in this case.


a fun and safe weekend at the Chinese American Track and Field

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