5-17 1A Chinese class important reminders


Dear parents,

5/17/2014是孔孟中文學校 2013-2014 學年度週六班結業典禮!


1.       請穿孔孟T-shirt 制服來參加結業典禮.

2.       第三時段於11:00  to 12:30 是: KA: 陳君天/郭賢慧老師, 1A: 李珮吟老師, 1B:洪瓔玲老師 , 1C: 楊蓓蓓老師, 2A: 伍恬新老師, 2B: 洪淑瑜老師.   請各位家長於11:00 AM 之前到場參加結業典禮. 學生們需要照常在9:00 AM 來上學.

3.       我們班會有小派對, 所以請替你的孩子準備小零食/食品與其他小朋友分享.

4.       成績單,獎狀和年刊會分發, 年刊可以邀請同學和老師簽名.

5.       分發暑假作業, 開學時交作業者, 可向校長領取小禮物.


These are some important reminders for 5/17/2014:

1.       Please have your children wear our CCLS Chinese School T-shirt uniform on 5/17/2014 for End of School  Ceremony.

2.       Ceremony for 1A class will be on Session #3 (11:00 AM to 12:30 PM).  Parents, please arrive to school to attend the ceremony at 10:45 AM.  Students must be at school at 9 AM as normal.

3.       There will be last day school celebration party in 1A class, so please have your children bring small snack/food to share with others in class.

4.       Report card, certificates and Chinese School Year Book will be passed out.

5.       There will be summer homework materials for your children to complete during summer.  They can bring back to show to our principal on 1st week of Chinese School in September 2014 to get a small gift.


Thank you!



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