

時間似乎過得特別快. 但小朋友們除了正常的調皮嘻戲外, 我把該給小朋友的新舊知識都成功的丟出去了, 接受度也很不錯. 從小朋友們的正面反應我知道效果慢慢出來了! ,還很長遠, 加油!!

第一堂課似乎有點零散, 因小朋友都遲到, 直到約兩點我的道具小木偶登場跟全場小朋友一一問候,把小朋友從小木偶的塗畫中跳出來, 把他們的閒聊的心情收起來準備學習. 這個可愛的小木偶很成功的達成任務! 今天的重點是把上週的回家作業 ㄢㄣㄤㄥㄦ正式教授讀音和相關拼音. 把數字一到十復習後, 巧妙的出來變成一個人. 讀唐詩尋隱者不遇 . 也讀小木偶音標首冊第3, 唱歌和讀地球儀. 我借用地理位置的轉移來告訴小朋友我的遠行, 其實孩子們泰半都已從父母口中得知並不驚訝, 這是心理建設的正面效果, 且他們反而開心的告訴同伴們他們的父母親來自何國, 或他們去過哪些國家! 這一世代的孩子們真的不一樣, 也同時顯示了澳洲的多元民族性!

今天是我的最後一堂課了, 雖提早了一週與大家分別, 心裡有許多不捨, 為了孩子們著想, 這其實是個不錯的安排, 讓楊老師正式接最後一堂課與孩子們全面性的接觸和體驗孩子們的獨特性, 小朋友在下學期有所期待, 課程將銜接的更順利.

衷心感謝白校長和各位家長們的小小惜別會,美味的蛋糕和禮物. 我自認害羞, 不喜歡當派對主角. 可是面對熱情的大家, 我真的覺的很幸福. 本該是我向各位道謝才是, 為了能夠站在台上給小朋友們授業, 我想辦法充實自己和改進教學方法, 愈教愈覺自己的不足,愈覺得一週3小時實在不夠用, 重點是我的流失的中文也回來了, 不再說英文中文,(雖然英文也掉了不少,但我自知沒十全十美的事兒!) 跟女兒的中文愈說愈多, 這都是教中文意想不到的收穫, 還學會了拼音打字! 
先生經常笑我, 這麼辛苦寫有人會看嗎? 我告訴他, 不管有幾個人看, 這是我工作的日誌, 我自己健忘,但有這部落格我可以回頭看, 或找資料.^^

工作要告一段落了, 不知我在曼谷的未來會有什麼新生活等著我, 學泰語? 學作泰國菜? 但我會繼續充實自己不再讓自己的中文喪失! 看到好的東西也會放進部落格方便自己和分想給有興趣的家長和小朋友. 




I was losing
my voice last Sat because of the cold; therefore I altered the class into quieter
activities like writing, craft and some videos in Chinese.  As well I planned a Treasure Hunt for kids to
reinforce the Bopomo we learnt in class. 
I wanted them to tick off the Bopomo on their paper once they found on
the trail, and the Bopomo sequence was the direction to go.  I had a couple of parent helpers leading kids
for me, only I didn’t predict that our lovely mums didn’t quite know the Bopomo
well enough to keep the game flowing..^^ 
And the kids of course, loved  the
chance to run around in the hall.  Kids
had fun and got the treasure at the end. I asked them to paste the alphabets,
which prepared by Melissa earlier, on top of their paper again.  Also we talked about clock and the 12
numbers, and asked kids to draw clocks. Crystal drew a digital one! That was
funny.  Everyone was present only Ethan
was on holiday.

Today my
voice was back! (that means I could yell as loud as I wanted. ^^)  We had everyone there but Lester as he was
sick.  We had Ms Yang too, the new
teacher who is going to replace me upon my leave.  Ms Yang is also from Taiwan, and a mother of
two, about my age?  I guess.  She was lovely and patient with children.  Already I saw some kids hugging her today.  I think she’ll work well with kids next term.  To create chances for kids knowing her, I had
Ms Yang reading a couple of stories, and running the poetry reading section.  She walked around and chatting with the
children when they did drawing.  She didn’t
speak English to the kids at all, this was the best part!

I spent a
bit of time pushing the Bopomo pinyin today. 
Kids were doing great once I got their attention, but they distracted
each other quite easily.  This was hardiest
part of their learning as they need to recognize the individual alphabets, then
putting the sound together with different tones.  They were doing great considering they were
just learning Chinese for 6 months. Slowly they are going to be the little
experts in pinyin!

We reviewed
the clock and 12 numbers followed by a treasure hunt again.  I made 2 sets of 12 cards and stuck them on
the hall way.   This time I had kids in 2
teams and they just needed to collect their team shape cards on the way, and
brought them back to the class.  We
double checked the numbers together, and read the numbers again.  I was going to ask them to copy the 12 numbers
on paper again, but ran out of the time! Yes, time seems always flying faster
on Sat afternoon!  The treasures were all
from home and were mostly new, not even 2nd hand, so there shouldn’t
have the hygiene issue.  

Tomorrow is
Father’s Day, I taught the sentence, Daddy I love you,
爸爸我愛您; and had the related drawings for kids to colour. There was
a word search I designed for the topic, and it seemed too hard for kids.  It’s actually, in fact, very easy.  I had all the answers stood out amongst the
different signs.  We had this worksheet
on the last 10 mins of the day, and perhaps kids were all tired.  Please spend a bit of time sit down with your
child and go through with him/her again.  Enjoy the time together!  I love to see the result next Sat.

上週因感冒失聲, 所以課堂上較偏靜態, 寫字, 美勞, 和一些相關的漢字短片. 介紹時鐘和一至十二. 我讓孩子們畫時鐘, 尋寶遊戲,一點點拼音

經過一週,我的聲音好了, 大嗓門又回來了. 
楊老師也來自台灣,2個孩子, 是慈濟精進班的義工老師, 也在另一中文學校代課.面對一群新的孩子她說有點緊張. 但她傾合力很夠, 和有些孩子們很快就親近起來.  謝謝她特地進來熟悉環境和孩子.這讓我想起了剛剛跟小朋友們初相識的时後.. 我也會緊張, 但孩子一一到達後就沒時間緊張了! 滿腦子都是孩子們的名字, 特徵, 喜好, 上課狀況回到家直到日誌寫完才可鬆懈. 備課的时後又想起他們! 一週復一週, 漸漸愛上了這群天真的孩子們. 沒想到會提早跟他們分別, 真不捨!

今天以尋寶遊戲引起學習動機,我們先複習了數字1~12, 漢字加阿拉伯數字. 再畫個鐘,後來尋寶的動作我讓孩子分組蒐集了12張數字卡片回教室和複習. 本想再讓他們抄寫一遍, 但時間不夠用作罷.  唱歌提神, 拍手集中精神, 今天也都用到了. 今天我把玩具搬出來後, 孩子們顯著分心了, 同時也提醒了自己為什麼好久沒用. 為了讓小朋友有機會認是新老師, 我讓楊老師讀了2個故事, 也請她帶讀經=詩的部分.今天讀的是'憫農詩'.

因為明天是父親節我準備3個簡單的句子, 對但孩子們真的太多, 就只教了, 爸爸  我愛您. 還有其拼音.  爸爸 ㄅㄚˋ ˙ㄅㄚ 孩子們都沒問題, 我愛您的拼音就有點太多.這也是3小時中最具有挑戰性的學習时刻!  我狠心地教完五個字, 孩子們的耐心已是極限! 加油孩子們, 一次再一次的學習, 你們就可掌握一切!!

我挑了一些父親節相關的圖案給孩子們塗鴨, 也設計了一張動動腦尋字圖給孩子們做評量. 可能是在下課前十分鐘才做, 孩子們也累了, 直喊難.  其實不難, 我把答案都明顯的分開放, 且沒設陷阱! 但也可能是第一次做, 所以不是很懂遊戲規則.  希望爸媽有時間坐下來陪孩子們試試看.  今天的回家作業:ㄢㄣㄤㄥㄦ.


vedio source: youtube