
At the end
of the day, I was on the floor, exhausted! I have to say partly it’s my own
fault getting up at 6am to watch the Opening Ceremony of Olympic Games with
family this morning.  Really didn’t want
to miss out the spectacular big event. 

 Kids were always much the same, energetic!  

No Kahlil
and William today, but we had 2 new friends joined us at the 1st hour
and decided to join us officially next week. 
With almost full attendance this afternoon, kids were all happy to see
some old friends.  They became very
chatty, then they were carried away in the chit chatting & laughter while
doing their art work.   It was great kids enjoying each other’s
company.  However with English as their
main language, the class was driven away in a different direction, or should I
say, that was their original little world.   And yet, I really could not stop them from
talking “English”, because this was the only language they could communicate.  I reminded myself to use Chinese if I could,
and I encouraged them to use “Chinese a”, and praised them all the time.  I did all I could to keep them a great
interest in learning Chinese!

Today, we
continued to learn the poem – “Jing Ye Si” by Li Bai of Tang Dynasty.   We recited the poem quite a few times, and
tried to get kids into the habit of using their index fingers to point out each
words they read along.  I had printed out
the poem with PinYin in line with the Chinese characters for Mums & Dads’
use.  Please use it to review the poem
with your children.  A short clip of the
poem would be also embedded for your guide following.

The very
hungry caterpillar by Eric Carle, was one of the best & the most popular picture
book for young children.  Hence I used it’s
setting of this book to teach kids colour, food,big/small, …  Today kids got a name of fruits/sweets from
the book, instead of their own name  I
called them whatever fruit they were!  This
was first time kids didn’t quite get it, yet, I’m sure they will enjoy it more
next time. This was to reinforce kids to remember of those fruits names and to
use the words when they need to talk to their mates.

We reviewed
big/small, circle, and introduce long/short by tearing a piece of paper into a
long strip.  The first time most kids had
troubles to tear the paper in the right way, but into a Jellyfish-like strips.    Lester
was almost in tears, poor baby.  That was
because they couldn’t wait to try and ignored my instruction.  I let them taste the feeling of failure.  Without discouraging them, I sat them down
again, and showed them how to do it. 
Some got it straight away, some didn’t. 
Never mind, we did it again.  At
the end, I think everyone got the right idea.

Another main
part of today’s learning was  
,, in the bopomofo, using a combination of games & songs.  I hope kids had some fun today.

homework: the worksheets of
,;  & please help
your child review the poem.



vedio source: Youtube

圓形,大/小(毛毛蟲), 靜夜思

今天是第三學期的第一堂課, 天氣好極了!! 共有7位小朋友出席.

小孩的年齡雖很不一致,但成熟度算接近, 都已上幼稚園和小學預備班,

除了基本課程,ㄅㄆㄇ,和一般生活相關教學 , 下半年我把讀經也納入我們的3小時的一部分.
在台灣,讀經已經相當普遍和盛行, 13歲以前的孩子更是黃金時期,對大腦的開發極有益!
我們班孩子因為都是英文為母語的家庭, 為了不給予孩子太大的挫折感,我挑選了一些較短的唐詩/五言絕句開始,
屆時再適時導入三字經. 我也考慮讀弟子規, 但網路上非常容易得到資訊.也許家長可以自行在家陪孩子讀經?!

今天我們讀了李白的靜夜思. 真的很難呢, 要這麼小的孩子用手指一字一字跟著讀,
且對他們而言都是方塊字! 天書ㄚ!! 難怪他們要分心!
不過我真的不想放棄, 因為我退一步,孩子就會前進一步.
所以無聊也罷, Louis 幫忙,我們終於在小朋友崩潰之前了指導每一位孩子讀經的概念!且千萬不要小看孩子,
有些孩子領悟力很高, 有樣學樣, 馬上就進入狀況!
我真的很開心, 這似乎是個好的開始!

也玩了氣球蹲的遊戲! 介紹了圓形的大大小小杯碗盒盤,和錢幣,
再讓小朋友描下大小圓形(錢幣之外).. 品嚐圓形的甜甜圈(每位小孩約2小口而已).

我們覆習ㄅㄆㄇ注音符號和歌曲, 也畫了我的爸爸”..
但時間真的不夠用, 來不及更多的遊戲就要回家了. 這時真的很希望每天可以跟小朋友見面,做遊戲,讀故事,….學中文

馮宇進來時躲在媽媽的背後, 笑咪咪的. 是小皮蛋一個,
很有主見, 好奇心很強像隻貓咪!

今天問了我好多遍,”妳看到我的新鞋子嗎?” “^^有ㄚ,銀色的,很帥耶!^^”

今天銘楷台灣來的ㄚ嬤和璇璇妹妹一起陪著過來, 看他眉頭深鎖,小五又沒來,”糟了!我想
結果不知不覺他換上笑臉和同學交談, 且非常的有禮貌,
用中文答謝, 上課很專心,也玩的很開心!(爸爸不用皺眉頭了!)

美娥今天在學跳新疆舞和上課之間選擇了留下來和同學一塊.. 我沒有強迫她去的原因是我想她留下來班上多一個小時,
因美娥容易分心,我想跟她多一點時間在一起..   她的毛毛蟲畫的最漂亮!

愛雯總是乖巧地把分配的功課做好畫完, 第三堂課去了大堂學新疆舞..

遲到的麗燕和文財笑咪咪進來, 好像彩虹一道, 增添了教室的愉快.
乖巧的兩姐弟馬上找椅子坐下來著手畫畫, 也不吵鬧. 姐姐學習很進入狀況,
但弟弟畢竟年紀小了些, 容易被其他小朋友的小動作吸引.
