Class11/8, 方形, 三角形, 和王維/雜詩

Mums &
Dads, please praise your little one/s for the hard work they’ve done last Sat
afternoon in Chinese school. I had given them a few “extras” to do, and they
completed all the tasks.  I was very pleased
with them.

 It was about six months since we met for
learning Chinese together, I strongly felt the children are ready to move on
for serious work.  This term I started
introducing children Pin-Yin, the sounds of putting 2 or 3 alphabets together.  This would hopefully help children to be familiar
with PinYin, and prepare them for next year of their further pin-yin studies.

We learned
about squares and triangles, long and short, and a new poem of Wang W.ei, Tang Dynasty.

Sorry my review came so late this week.         

我就知道如果星期六晚上不馬上接著做日誌, 我就會拖…... 不好意思, 上星期六晚上有飯局. 回家甚晚.  星期日忙孩子… …. 所以就拖到現在. 

上週六小朋友們忙碌得很, 小朋友可能稍微感受到多一些些壓力. 美勞中帶入方形和三角形, 也再次用折紙加強概念, 不知道小朋友有沒有問了爸媽找出幾個三角形(在折紙上面)? 也用撕紙來複習長和短. 也介紹了新詩, 王維的雜詩, 君自故鄉來…..寒梅著花未?

我發現銘楷很會照顧人, 美勞時,他很主動地幫忙坐他兩旁的同學, 小小年紀,真的很棒.

從這學期我開始介紹拼音, 二拼和三拼都會有. 多多少少給小朋友拼音的概念, 也為明年的功課鋪點底子. 中文底子很薄的Milla
很快就抓住方法,可能是她年齡較長,夠成熟 ,領悟力就相對高了些 .但小朋友若有認真聽課, 應該也是可以吸收起來.  在做評量時, 最小最安靜的文財令我驚訝, 當大家還在想辦法問清楚怎麼做, 他靜靜地把答案排好在紙上, (全答對ㄛ!) 等著他的turn 來用膠水!!

每個孩子都不同, 所以進度一定會有長短. 如果您的孩子慢了些, 請不要太心急, 適度的鼓勵和讚美是很受用的. 當他們準備好了, 他們亦將到達終點.  我們堅持,一起加油!



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