龍, 皇帝的玩具箱, Lego house 和小熊

We had 3 little friends absent this afternoon, but
it seemed a lot quieter somehow.  Especially with the late arrival of some
children, we had to start a bit later than usual. It would be nice if everyone
could get to school on time which I know it might be a bit hard as lots of us
traveling a long way to get to school. The trafic could be bad from time to time!

The school is going to celebrate the Dragon
Boat Day Festival next Sat by making
Zi.  I thought I better making sure my
all kids know about “Dragon” since we had quite a few new kids in class that
had missed out the topic in Term 1.  This
was also to prepare next week’s Dragon Boat Festival teaching plan, and another
good reason to learn as it is the Year of Dragon. 

I started class with the Dragon craft, and some kids had done it at the start of the Year.  I chose it just out of my own interest to
find out how kids had matured in last few months, and how it might be shown in
their artwork.   It was a gorgeous dragon
to make but it was such a tedious job. Tracing their hands, colouring them,
cutting the patterns out, paste them together to form a dragon.  Children enjoyed colouring their own hands,
making different patterns as they were chatting along with their mates.  And all Dragon were very different!!  However Jo-Jo, Kahlil and Philianan the 3
little friends absent today were all part of our new crew! 

As part of the plan, we reviewed the Dragon/
by my Taiwanese 2012 Dragon stamps booklet that has got a 3D dragon on one page.
The Dragon did impress all the kids, and they all touched it for good-luck! I
made up the later part, but all the children touched the dragon with excitement
and a big smile.  Also I showed them a
Chinese calendar that’s full of lovely of dragon images on the different
objects from all the different dynasties. 
We admired the pictures together and talked about it.  I am sure kids know the difference about
long2) and DRAGON/
(long2)now.  As they both are long2/ in

I was going to show kids the videos about the
story of “the Dragon Boat Day”, but the broadband didn’t work.  ^^..  
So I played part of the DVD – The Emperor’s Treasure Chests, that I
purchased from the Palace Museum in Taipei early this Year.  It’s such an interesting and detailed
introduction of the Emperor Qian Long’s mini toy boxes, I chose English sound
track instead of Chinese simply just for kids’ pleasure only.  Most kids sat still in front of the pc, but a
couple of them found it hard to concentrate, maybe because it wasn’t animation?

We practised the 1~10 in Chinese today before
they started the Joint-the-Dots. 
Children should have a rough idea about the square Chinese letters of
those ten numbers, and know how to recite them. 
Also I printed their Chinese names out and asked them to draw a picture
of themselves next to their names.  It
was so personal & unique! I like it.

I had them to build a Lego house of their own
when they finish their own portrait. Eventually everyone joined the group and
making their own houses.  We then had the
Show&Tell time together as well showing the Lego houses built by our little
designers!  Before I called it a day, I
read a picture book by Anthony Browne called Bear Goes to Town, and kids just
loved it!

Milla, 蜜菈
is the Chinese name I give her, they both sound very similar.  Milla is such a delight to have in class.  She surprised me with the colours she learned
from weeks before, not many of them but she remembered them all!  She showed great interests in learning Chinese.  She is so friendly with everyone.  She loves PINK!


跟大家都好相處.  當她進來坐到蜜菈旁邊時,兩個女孩就和氣地交談起來,感覺很棒.

不太說話,  就用大眼睛聽和說和看.
但他卻無聲的在進步   今天帶了黃色的ben10




better make a Lego house…

ha ha

The story of Chinese Character …月日人女子好水火土雨


Found these cleverly made short films (on YouTube) that
have carried out the stories of words how they were formed sounds of years ago that have
been carved onto the turtle shell, then the tripod, then the bamboo, finally
the present time..  With a happy tune, the
films also provide the stroke orders and the pronunciation at the end.  It's clear and easy to understand, especially with the English subtitles it certainly helps. A fun way to learn Mandarin!

For those who are keen to learn, or
seeking the inspiration for your young children at home; you simply cannot miss out.  ~Happy learning~


 the story of 月


the story of  日


the story of 人


 the story of  女


the story of 子


the story of 好


the story of 水


the story of 火


the story of 土


the story of 雨

All above resources are from YouTube

For more information, please check out  the original websites: http://silkstory.net/index_hanzi.html


3 hours went fast this afternoon, I felt like I didn’t
quite actually give out enough to fill the children up before they say
adios.  Unfortunately I erased my
Teaching Plan at the start of the class by mistake, what a disaster!  However I got the map in mind, with the
materials on hand hopefully I didn’t think I lose it too much.  But the broadband went funny this arvo, that
disappointed kids a bit, and me too, as I couldn’t quite get the result I
wanted from it.  However kids did enjoy
every bits of it. Thanks again to Louis providing our class the wireless
broadband for the use.

We started with drawings as usual awaiting the rest of
class to show up; then it was the BoPoMo section when ready.  Reinforcing the 37 alphabets by reciting
them, plus singing the song together, kids were keen!  Again and again, girls then boys, then
altogether.. Some of them were quite good actually, thanks to Mummies or
Daddies home playing the video for the children; and they had present confidence
in this section.  If your child hasn’t
quite got it yet, please don’t rush him/her into it, they will catch up in time
when they are ready! 

Then went on to the Han-Zi animation films-A little
bird (which we only watched half of it, then the internet connection was no
good.) The internet came active again at the 1st recess; I played a
couple of short cartoons-Pororo that already translated into Mandarin which
kept children stayed in class engaged!

At one point I saw Melissa & Louis both sitting
behind the children, helping me out by hand drawing the alphabets for class. I
felt really awful, as if I was a slave driver.. :<   Yet we are so lucky to have parent helpers
like that.

We shared a picture book brought in by William, the
underground 100 story house.  It surely
was another fantastic story book by the Japanese writer,
岩井俊雄.  It’s the squeal of The 100 story house that
we had read last Sat.  Children were very
interested in the wonderful illustration on each page.  Pity there were 11 kids (plus me 12) sharing
1 picture book, it was hard to maintain kids at their best the whole time, and
the story seemed going on forever.  And
yet when the recess bell rang, some children insisted to finish the last 2 pages!
 And some were ready for their snacks.

After the story, I had the kids to design & draw
their own houses upon their own wishs. Most of them did, and a couple decided
to work on the Bopomo sheets.  We had a
circle time for the Show&Tell, and the rest also had the chances to share
the art works they had made in class.  They
also asked to bring their artwork home for showing Mum & Dad.

Ethan was not well today. This was very first time he
didn’t make it to the Chinese Class.  Lester and Leanne still needed a little more
time to recover from their cold.  :<

We had a new friend today, Nadia, a friend of Milla’s.  She tried her best to imitate the Bopomo pronunciation
and sing the song together with everyone, and the fact that she made the effort
of saying it, I was very impressed!  It’s
a good start for a little girl learning a foreign language.

Milla was fantastic today.  She really tried to say her Mandarin, and
full of enthusiasm.  She did really well
when singing the Bopomo song, and got the 37 orders correctly on the chart.  I think the maturity helps her a lot.  She is ready for challenge.

Jo-Jo was doing great too. She was always pleasant and
so feminine, and knowing what she wanted to do. 
She enjoyed working on the Bopomo sheets, and did a great job at
Show&Tell with the Barbie doll she brought in along.

Kahlil was a little quiet at the start, but soon he was
fully woken up from his afternoon sleep,… 
until the 3rd hour he started to show a little unsettled.  When coloured his airplane, he was the only one
in class did both sides, and did it symmetrically!  He also did well at the Bopomo section! Well

Justin was a bit lost without Ethan’s presence, yet he
quickly regained her confidence with Kahlil’s company in class.  He was a little shy as usual, but he made sure
you know he needs your attention. He also had the habit to put things into his
mouth to chew.  He was fully engaged with
the activity when designing his
Underground Party
.  Great job.

Angus was full of fun. 
He was easily distracted when doing group work, but he could do a great
job on his own if he wanted to. 
宇澤想像力很豐富,雖然不怎麼愛寫愛畫,今天的房子自由設計做得很棒, 很有宇澤的風格!!
後來寫字時, 他跟助教老師說幫他一起寫….
哈哈,好好笑J 很可愛

美娥很乖巧,不會大聲說話,但也很有主見, 今天ㄅㄆㄇ讀得很好. 畫畫寫字都很用心..平常group
時容易分心,但今天不錯. 跟姐姐感情好,每堂休息時間都要去找姐姐, 姐姐也很懂事, 上課了就把妹妹帶回來!

愛雯下午很不一樣, 不停咬東西,髮夾,筆套,衣服上的帶子..
是情緒不安?爸爸來接她時才知道她不舒服.  她的注音符號學得不錯. 一般也都很踴躍發言, 今天卻話不太多. 故事讀完後面的房子設計她卻不太有想法, 也許真的累了.

今天很謝謝馮宇的故事書,更難得的是,我請他不要透露故事內容,所以其他小朋友有機會去發現書中所有的驚奇! 對一個4歲的小男孩是件不容易的事,但他真的做到了, 展現成熟的一面!他設計的房子全程secrecy,用手遮住不讓人看,哈哈最後下課時, 我一把被一位家長抓住, 沒機會問他到底他的主題是什麼

因為有幾位家長不懂中文, 只好請我們2種語言都能懂的家長包涵一下用英文做我的教學日記, 他們肯定也很想知道他們孩子在課堂上學了些什麼. 英文也是我的第2 語言, 所以不足的地方請多指教.  下午珉妃的媽媽來告訴我, 珉妃跟媽媽說想快快長大好到我的班級來上課….
聽了好窩心! 小珉妃真的是個人見人愛的機伶娃娃! 說起話來卻像小大人,超級可愛..
最後把家當搬回車上時遇到玉尹和爸爸,姐姐們朝他們的車走去, 小小玉尹在耍寶^^
跟以往文靜形象大不同! 哈哈, 好可愛真的!
老師應該教得不錯, 小娃娃開開心心回家!


今天的戰場是介於家和學校之間的路途; 因下雨,修路和球賽, 真是一路塞到學校,
又一路塞回家!! 在學校的3小時簡直就是歡樂時光^^  塞車很嚴重,幸好有準時到達學校, 但也因為這樣已有幾位小朋友在教室等….還好有助教Melissa和幾位熱心家長 的幫忙把教室set up 起來, 謝謝大家! 

開場白,讓小朋友畫畫, 暖暖上課情緒!
也順便把我的急性子按柰下來. 小朋友陸續到達, 待宇澤進入教室後,通常就是"該來的應該都來了!"  大家真的很愛畫, 而且有些孩子畫的很有主題!

為集中大家注意力和保持對中文的興趣, 先播放了漢字動畫三十六個字,
小朋友意猶未盡, 再播放一齣"貓捉老鼠"…
然後是注音符號時間和唱注音符號歌. 小朋友真的很愛唱, 但後半段的發音不夠熟練,
所以我決定花點時間讓大家開口讀, 再唱歌. 反反覆覆, 可能把他們都煩死了..
也讓他們塗鴉自己的注音符號表, 帶回來把它們護貝好後下週就可使用了. 希望對學習唱歌和認識37個注音符號有幫助.

.,小朋友哥奇收到一封來自100層樓的信, 他決定接受邀請去探訪這位未謀面的朋友!
故事就這樣展開了在這 100層樓裡每10層樓住了一種動物
插畫很多樣化也很可愛, 可惜我們孩子太多, 你一言我一語..常常走題,
無法好好細細觀賞精美插畫!  不過我想基本效果也有達到, 最後分享心得時, 大家都言之有物!!
下週六馮宇將帶來地下100層樓的家 與大家分享. 我非常期待, 應該也是很可愛的另一本童書!

小五與銘楷帶來同一個玩具,飛機! 他們決定要一起分享
(說真的我還是搞不清楚小男生的玩具品牌和種類!) 愛雯帶來一個soft
toy, Angelina Ballerina. 

因時間關係, 我們做了簡單的問答分享, :"你家有幾個人?"
:"我家有?個人. 有爸爸……"
依每一個孩子答案, 他們領回了適合他們家的人形回座位畫上嘴臉和衣著   我把你們都帶回家來放進你們的家喔!

今天忘記照相了. 文財和麗燕生病了,

小五今天心情很不錯, 但唱歌的時候有點害羞,

銘楷也是很開心, chatty!!  friendly!

馮宇愛唱歌, 第一堂課唱了注音符號歌之後,
就不停哼著  且可以用中文數數!

宇澤喜歡绿色和橙色.  今天畫畫的時候他告訴我, "我不喜歡紅色的蠟筆,
因為很辣!"  (我想了一下,才哈哈笑,
因為蠟跟辣是諧音! 我暗自猜測,這是童言童語呢?

 Kahlil did great drawings today, and he didn’t
rush but making sure he coloured  in very

Jo- Jo was also a very happy girl
today.  She mixed well with
everyone.  She tried her best reading the
right pronunciation out loud.



Milla. 她已7歲但 無中文底子.
可是她在家說英文和俄文, 中文是她的第二外語.

our new friend Milla!

we continued the topic “My Home” by reading the story book “The House that’s got
100 stories”, and practising the oral conversation “How many people in your
family?” and carried out the art work of the family members of each

we made an effort on reciting the 37 Chinese Phonic Alphabets in order to sing
the song.  Kids were loving it.  We also watched the HanZi Animation films
which I embed in the blog night before, ‘the 36 characters’ and ‘the cat
chasing the mouses’!

please find  4 letters for homework this
week. If your child haven’t  got the homework
book, please don’t worry about it.

5=五; 6=六; 7=七; 8=八

