Week2 課業聯繫– 象形文字知多少?複習漢語拼音及練習自我介紹.

Project 1: Please list the 36 Chinese characters you can find from the video.


Chinese Pinyin in 6 Mins


高永真 自我介紹.MPG

金景濂 自我介紹.MPG

Extra point: 會動的拼圖http://www.brl.ntt.co.jp/people/hara/fly.swf                                                             

 You will hear the claps , when you done the job.Please e-mail the completed puzzle file in word or PDF file.

Week1 – 8/21/10 中文學校開學囉!Classroom: H4

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 Chinese school starts Aug. 21, 2010; classroom: H4.


 The items you need to bring for the Chinese classroom:

(1) 美洲華語課本及字卡(Taxt Book and Flash card)

(2) 美洲華語作業本 (Homework Book with binder. )


 Warm up: recview Hanyu pinyin 聲母韻母歌 


30A: 請找出你的名字,一共出現幾次?



CSL2: Where is your name(s)? How many times? 



 You can preview the text book lesson1 online.

Level 6  http://www.mzchinese.org/English/Level_06English.html 

Level 2  http://www.mzchinese.org/English/Level_02English.html

 "拍照同意書Consent to be Photographed Form請所有學生的家長簽好9/18或以前收齊後交教務處.