一字開花 + estroke +紅包袋燈籠 + 網路拼音教室:第十一課 un、ong、ueng、ui、uo (ㄨㄣ、ㄨㄥ、ㄨㄟ、ㄨㄛ)

一字開花:下圖每個題目,都有一個空格,請你在空格裡填進一個字,使這個字和上下左右的字組合起來,都能成為一個詞。Please list each set of answer with 2 phrases inside the comment box.(Bonus: Make your own set)



Please drag (or copy) the new vocabulary one at a time (to paste) inside the below small blue rectangle box , then hit enter to auto play the e-stroke.

  Do you like this e-stroke tool? Do you think it will help you to learn how to write the Chinese characters?

   Please type 10 vocabularies from Textbook to practice the e-stroke. Please list all 10 vocabularies in the comment box to get your extra credit promptly.

Week 5 Super Student of the Week


網路拼音教室: 第十一課 un、ong、ueng、ui、uo(ㄨㄣ、ㄨㄥ、ㄨㄟ、ㄨㄛ)


[補充教材] 請在看完下面影片後,試著回答下列問題:

(1) 螞蟻用甚麼來找食物和與其他的螞蟻溝通?

(2) 因為螞蟻長期生長在土裡,視力不好。螞蟻的眼睛是單眼?還是複眼?
(3) 螞蟻分為工蟻、兵蟻、雄蟻和蟻后四種階級,其中數量最多,個體最小的是哪一種螞蟻?
(4) [蟻后是一家之主,雄蟻個體最大負責蟻群的安全],請問這句話,哪裡說錯了?
(5) 工蟻和兵蟻都是沒有生殖能力的女生嗎?

 童話故事  螞蟻與蟋蟀- What message did you got from this video?

 团结就是力量 Unity is Strength.+ 捕鱼歌

 What did you learn from below video? Use your imagination and share your thought. 

 How to make a Flower Ball Chinese New Year Lantern using Red Packets

十全宫灯 – hong bao lantern DIY

利是封作品 : 從來都沒有想過,紅包袋可以做出這麼多漂亮的作品Which one is your favorite?

歐巴馬拜年 喜氣洋洋 and 澳洲總理 陸克文 漢語拜年 + 2/5/11 Class activity +「白日依山盡」文字迷宮遊戲 – WK5 Parents Notice


農曆新年 (Lunar New Year)的影響力,不僅是中國人的重要節日,近年來也廣受世界各國的重視,我們從美國總統歐巴馬的祝賀影片便可以得到實證。又澳洲總理陸克文能用流利的中文拜年,更讓我們深深地感受到中文及中華文化的被肯定。同學們,在這兩位總統的激勵下,你是不是也覺得我們應該學好我們的中文及中華文化呢?

    President Obama Sends Lunar New Year Greetings





  澳洲總理 陸克文 漢語拜年 Kevin Rudd Speaking Mandarin Happy Chinese New Year  

What do you think about Prime Minister Kevin Rudd his speech? And how about his Chinese pronunciation? How many percentage you can understand the meaning of his speech?


   恭喜發財 吉祥如意 學業進步 突飛猛進


 招財進寶 鴻圖大展 大吉大利 兔年行大運


  Week 4 Super Student of the Week –曾樂希for his hard work on his Chinese speech contest.


  Week 3 Super Student of the Week –恭喜高永真榮獲課堂參與學習進步獎



 I would like to hear some feedback about below activity (Like it or not? why?). Of cause, parents opinions are valuable as well.





You can write the brief story to get the extra credit.

 會唱"賣湯圓"的歌嗎?A Famous Chinese Children Song 卖汤圆

看故事學華語:年的故事 + 網路拼音教室:第十課ua、uai、uan、uang(ㄨㄚ、ㄨㄞ、ㄨㄢ、ㄨㄤ) – WK4 Spring Parents Notice



恭喜恭喜/打锣打鼓-四千金-four golden princess (歌詞附有漢語拼音,please sing along and learn the Chinese Characters.)




 How many new year cards you can find from ispring file? and which one is your favorite card?


看故事學華語:年的故事    Please click below picture –>下一頁   –> 播放聲音

(What did you learn from this story? Please write your comment in the comment box.)


The story of Chinese New Year – " Nian ".wmv

What did you learn from the video? So you know the reason why people said gongxi gongxi, play firecracker and like to ware the red color cloth during the Chinese new Year.    



     国宝档案2008-02-13 国宝贺新春:中国民间剪纸              



CSL2 Tyler Wesson and his brother Adam will perform a karate demonstration at the Chinese New Year's celebration at the school on Feb. 5, 2011 at 10:30am. Good job!! Tyler.