

十一月十九日的回家作業,要請同學從第一課到第三課中,選出一個你/妳覺得最難的字詞或字句,並請讓老師知道,你/妳是用圖畫或其他任何有創意的方法 記得這個最難的字詞或字句,愈有創意的方法愈好喔!請在十一月廿六日上課時交給老師。


Dear students of Grade 7-1 on Saturday in Minghua. 

Welcome to the blog 「瘋華語-Mandarinsanity」. 

The assignment for this week (November 19th) is to make a list of your top challenging/difficult word or sentence from lesson 1 through lesson 3. Please write down the ways of how you memorize the top difficult word. For example, if you were trying to memorize the word food, you memorize them by relating pictures. I will be more than happy to see the creativity from all of you. The homework should be handed in next week on November 26.


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