Week4 30A Parents Notice – GoAnimate 動畫教材+Hot Potatoes / Google Doc. 測驗評量 -Book6 Lesson1

Week4 30A Parents Notice.pdf

榮譽榜(Week 1 – Honor Roll ): 蔡宗翰★ 

 GoAnimate 動畫教材-請同學們在兔寶寶小博士的帶領下,看你能找到哪些詞彙 How many pharases you can find from the video, and what are there? Please list your answer inside the comment box, if you can add the English translation you will earn more points.

GoAnimate.com: Book6 Lesson1 Vacaburary by http://goanimate.com/go/user/0M8fsLpWcZCM?utm%5Fsource=embed

  Hot Potatoes自我評量測驗練習


 Hot Potatoes JCloze – 填充題   選擇題  

 連連看-1   連連看2 

 請同學們先type in 你的姓名,並在30分鐘內完成此測驗。考試內容總計有四項please scroll down the side bar to the last question.  檢查沒有錯誤之後,請記得click the “submit” button 按鈕,送出你的答案。

35 thoughts on “Week4 30A Parents Notice – GoAnimate 動畫教材+Hot Potatoes / Google Doc. 測驗評量 -Book6 Lesson1

  1. 講義夾 folder
    課程表 schedule for all periods
    置物櫃 locker
    號碼鎖 number combination lock
    必修課 required classes
    選修課 elective classes
    提醒 remind
    規則 rules
    固定 routine
    貴重 valuable
    指導 guidance
    遲到 late
    數學 math
    科學 science
    歷史 history
    體育 physical education
    順便 at one’s convenience
    認識 recognize
    校刊 school newspaper
    附近 nearby

  2. 劉亮吟老師:hotpotato 的檔案,其字體是無法變更的.我猜想你指的應該是Google Doc..我只選用模式,系統就自動編換字型和大小.

  3. 講義夾 folder
    課程表 schedule
    置物櫃 locker
    號碼鎖 combination locker
    必修課 required course
    選修課 optional course
    提醒 remind
    規則 rules
    固定 fixed
    貴重 valuables
    指導 advice
    遲到 late
    數學 math
    科學 science
    歷史 history
    體育 p.e.
    順便 by the way
    認識 know
    校刊 yearbook
    附近 near

  4. 講義夾 (Notes Folder)、課程表 (Curriculum)、置物櫃 (Locker)、號碼鎖 (Combination Lock)、必修課 (Require Course)、選修課 (Elective Course)、提醒 (Remind)、固定 (Fixed)、貴重 (Precious)、規則 (Rule)、指導 (Guide)、遲到 (Late)、數學 (Mathematics)、科學 (Science)、體育 (Physical Education, Sports)、歷史 (History)、順便 (At Your Convenience)、認識 (Understanding)、校刊 (School Magazine)、附近 (Nearby)

  5. 講義夾、課程表、置物櫃、號碼鎖、必修課、選修課、提醒、固定、貴重、規則、指導、遲到、數學、科學、體育、歷史、順便、認識、校刊、附近

  6. 蔡老師,
    我是您的同學,我想要請問您是如何把hotpotato 的檔案,換成這么漂亮的字體?再貼到自己的部落格?
    不好意思,因為我們上課的討論區,真的有太多的 Messages, 我想在你的“家”留言,可能比較直接。希望您不要介意。 謝謝您!

  7. Friday, September 17, 2010 9:25 PM, I received your word file (.doc) about the GoAnimate 動畫教材. (+1)

  8. Hi 馬士媛:On 9/17/2010 21:23:57, you submit your quiz1, and you got 95% correct. Itme 三、你需要先寫出漢語拼音再造詞. You are Smart No.10. (Quiz1)

  9. Hi 譚運欣: On 9/17/2010 20:20:03 You submit your quiz, and you got 100% correct. You are Smart No.9. (Quiz1)

  10. Hi 蔡宗翰: You only got 80% correct, please re-do Itme 三、寫出漢語拼音並造詞, and 四、重組題. You are Smart No.8. (Quiz1).

  11. 講義夾 a folder
    課程表 a class schedule
    置物櫃 a locker
    號碼鎖 lock
    必修課 a required course
    選修課 a elective course
    提醒 to remind
    規則 rules;regulation
    固定 fixed; assigned
    貴重 valuable;precious
    指導 to advise
    遲到 to be late
    數學 math
    科學 science
    歷史 history
    體育 physical education
    順便 at one’s convenience
    認識 to know;to recognize
    校刊 yearbook;school news
    附近 nearby;neighboring

  12. Hi 沈惟思:On 9/17/2010 19:32:53, you submit your quiz1, and you got 95% correct. Itme 三、你需要先寫出漢語拼音再造詞.

  13. Wow,林道波: 你也終於可以上傳你的答案,你實在太優秀了!You are Brilliant No. 5.(+2)

  14. Hooray! 馬士媛 你終於可以上傳你的答案, I am so happy for you.你實在太優秀了!You are Brilliant No. 4. (+4)

  15. Hi Dylan: During the past 2 days, you have submit 8 times of the quiz1, and finally, you have reached the perfect score 100%. Good job, please keep gong. : )

  16. Hi 簡子翔: On 9/17/2010 16:08:10 you have submit your quiz. please re-study 二、填充題 No. 3 & 4,三、你需要先寫出漢語拼音再造詞,you need to work on “另”,so you got 90% correct for this quiz.

  17. 9/17/10 林道波

    課程表-class schedule
    號碼鎖-locker combonation
    必修課-a required course
    選修課-an elective course
    提醒-to remind
    指導-to guide;to advise
    遲到-to be late
    體育-PE, fitness
    順便-at one’s convenience
    認識-to know;to recognize
    校刊-school newspaper

  18. 講義夾 a folder
    課程表 a class schedule
    置物櫃 a locker
    號碼鎖 lock
    必修課 a required course
    選修課 an elective course
    提醒 to remind
    現則 rules;regulations;do’s and don’ts
    固定 fixed;assigned
    貴重 valuables;precious;costly
    指導 to advise
    避到 to arrive late
    數學 math
    科學 science
    歷史 history
    體育 physical education
    順便 at one’s convenience
    認識 to know
    校刊 yearbook;school newspaper
    附近 nearby;neighboring

  19. 講義夾, folder
    課程表, class schedule
    置物櫃, locker
    號碼鎖, combination lock
    必修課, required courses
    選修課, electives
    提醒, remind
    規則, rules
    固定, assigned, fixed
    貴重, valuable
    指導, to guide, or to advise
    遲到, late
    數學, math
    科學, science
    歷史, history
    體育, physical education
    順便, at one’s convenience
    認識, to know
    校刊, school newspaper
    附近, nearby, close

  20. Hi 羅舜文: On 9/16/2010 20:50:33 you submit your quiz.
    Please make sure you know the difference between “講義夾"/"講義",so you got 98% correct for this quiz.

  21. Hi 張雅筑: On 9/16/2010 20:34:40 you submit your quiz. Eyerything looks great, but “chén 電腦工程師”, the 程-should be chéng,so you got 99% correct for this quiz.

  22. 我看到 20 個詞。

    講義夾~ a folder
    課程表~ class schedule
    置物櫃~ locker
    號碼鎖~ number lock
    必修課~ a required course
    選修課~ an elective course
    提醒~ to remind
    規則~ rules; regulations; do’s and dont’s
    固定~ fixed ; assigned
    貴重~ valuable, precious; costly
    指導~ to guide; to advise; to coach
    遲到~ to be late; to arrive late
    數學~ math
    科學~ science.
    歷史~ history
    體育~ physical education (PE)
    順便~ to one’s convenience
    認識~ to recognize
    校刊~ school newspaper
    附近~ nearby

  23. Hi 林道波: The system records show you have submit 4 time of your quiz. But none of them is perfect score yet.
    9/16/2010 15:46:04
    9/16/2010 15:46:47
    9/16/2010 15:54:23
    9/16/2010 15:59:07

  24. Hi李若琳: On 9/15/2010 16:17:21 You submit your quiz, and you got 100% correct. You are Smart No.1.

  25. 老師,裡面有二十個詞。
    講義夾, binder
    課程表, schedule
    號碼鎖, number lock
    必修課,a required course
    選修課,an elective course
    提醒,to remind
    規則, rules;regulations
    固定, fixed;assigned
    貴重, valuable;precious
    指導,to guide;to advise
    遲到, to be late
    數學, Math
    科學, Science
    歷史, History
    體育, PE, fitness
    順便,at one’s convenience
    認識, to know;to recognize
    校刊,school newspaper
    附近, nearby

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