Week11 CSL3 家長聯絡單  校內學術比賽 李白-宣州餞別校書叔雲  健康歌

2012-2013 San Jose Chinese SchoolAcademic
Contest will be
held on January 26, 2013 at Leland High School
from 1:30~4:30pm.  
學校將於1/26/13 1:30~4:30pm. 舉行校內學術比賽。

比賽項目:: 1. 國語組演講, 2. 國語組即席演講, 3. 鉛筆書法, 4. 毛筆書法, 5. 西畫, 6. 國畫, 7.作文, 8.注音符號拼音, 9.閱讀測驗, 10.雙語翻譯, 11.國語組朗讀, 12.漢語拼音, 13.中文打字。


榮譽榜(Week 10 Super Student of the Week ): 美娜Yassna Khosravi 

努力學習進步獎:for her hard work and improvement on Chinese Typing.

( from 19 words /min. to 29 words/minute, and she just turn 8 years old.)


Read aloud contest reading scripts 朗讀讀稿 

C 組reading scripts朗讀讀稿.pdf

C 組必讀: 餞別校書(選讀:老師的心/荷花田/秋天)

宣州谢脁搂饯别校书叔云 唐诗宋词精选


天韻舞春風: 李白-宣州餞別校書叔雲 抽刀斷水水更流 舉杯消愁愁更愁

 課堂遊戲 功夫小花練功室  : 沈美美老師 改編 康其媛校長的 「功夫小花」

帶動唱:健康歌Try to memorize the
script, find your partner and create
your own movement


7 thoughts on “Week11 CSL3 家長聯絡單  校內學術比賽 李白-宣州餞別校書叔雲  健康歌

  1. Hi Lao Shi!This is Yassna from CSL3,2012.I studied the two videos of the family tree and the week 1 one, and I found that the family tree presentations had more Chinese.The other presentation was held in week 1, so there was less or no Chinese at all.

  2. Dear Cai Lao shi,

    My online homework, Lesson 6:(Please refer the e-mail)我還沒想好要參加甚麼比賽


  3. Friday, November 14, 2008 9:39 PM Hi Cai Lai Shi:

    Here is my homework for week 10. Please refer e-mail (梁巧忻 week 10 11-14-08.doc (28KB))

    Thank You!


  4. Today I just release online Hanyu pinyin HW Lesson 6, (Thursday, November 13, 2008 3:02 PM), only couple hours, but up to now, I already received several students submit their work. 可見同學們對此活動的熱烈參與及濃厚的學習興趣。請繼續努力加油!Please keep going!!

    陳顥:Thursday, November 13, 2008 10:10 PM
    余心愷:Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:26 PM
    陸俊傑:Monday, November 10, 2008 5:28 PM 

  5. Dear Agnes:The message I received from you are in special symbols font. I copy and paste them inside the comment box, it auto transfer the message as below:今年想參加項目:­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­國語組查字典 . 曾經參賽得過獎的項目:­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­注音符號拼音, 國語組查字典Thanks!Agnes
     *** To Hazel: Excellent!! you provide the perfect answer I need. ***

  6. Hi Cai Lao Shi,

    Hazel tried to submit the following at the blog.  But a message saying that the response was too long and thus was unable to complete the communication. 


    今年想參加項目:­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­國語組查字典 . 曾經參賽得過獎的項目:­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­注音符號拼音, 國語組查字典


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