Week14 成語動物園 +網路拼音教室: 第七課 +文字迷宮 + 大手小手玩遊戲

從成語動物園中挑選出你最喜歡的成語故事和遊戲?為什麼Lead time: 4 wks -due date:1/10/15

 歡迎光臨成語動物園! (請先參考學習步驟)


 請先選擇你想學習的成語,如:狐假虎威,然後依序學習步驟為:電影室, 圖書室,資料室,遊戲室。  







檢驗一下你的學習成績喔。(記得print screen / screen shot存檔,再與其他測試成績檔一起e-mail給老師。)







 Quizlet 電腦字卡遊戲 

 第四課第一週 簡體;   第四課第二週 簡體



idioms – 半途而废【bàn tú ér fèi】

網路拼音教室:第七課 ia、ie、in、ing(ㄧㄚ、ㄧㄝ、ㄧㄣ、ㄧㄥ)

(Please list all 10 idioms with English translation.)


大手小手玩遊戲『龍孩兒』的成語作業練習:請寫出所有你成功找到的成語,Please list all idioms you found. http://edu.ocac.gov.tw/culture/biweekly/496/b2.htm


試題及答案卷樣本  2015_ANCCS_AC_4_Sample_Files 

請已經報名參加 2015學術比賽的同學多上網參考歷年考題,勤加練習及熟習比賽規則。 

16 thoughts on “Week14 成語動物園 +網路拼音教室: 第七課 +文字迷宮 + 大手小手玩遊戲

  1. 我看了:
    1)網路拼音教室:第七課 ia、ie、in、ing(ㄧㄚ、ㄧㄝ、ㄧㄣ、ㄧㄥ)
    idioms – 半途而废【bàn tú ér fèi】

  2. Hi William Cui : Don’t worry about your MAC computer can’t work properly with item #1. I can see your effort on online assignment during the past works. You are Incredible Good No.4. (99+1)

  3. 1) I cannot do this because the words are in gibberish.

    2) Idiom Characteristics:
    1. Idioms have been used for a very long time, and have been passed down from generation to generation.
    2. Idioms cannot be changed or modified. All idioms have 4 characters.
    3. Some idioms come from ancient stories or fairy tales or ancient proverbs.
    4. Meanings of idioms are sometimes different from the origins.一石二鳥:Before:To kill two birds with one stone. Now: To achieve two things by doing just one thing.
    孤注一擲:Before:To put all the eggs into one basket. Now: To put all your strength or effort into one thing, and if your “basket” breaks then you will have lost all your effort.
    焚膏繼晷:Before: To burn the midnight oil. Now: To work very hard day and night.
    半途而廢 Characteristics: The order of the idiom cant be changed and the idiom has a story.

    題號 答題選擇 對錯 正確答案
    1 B 對 B
    2 C 對 C
    3 A 對 A
    4 D 對 D
    5 B 對 B
    6 B 對 B
    7 C 對 C
    8 A 對 A
    9 D 對 D
    10 C 對 C

    4)一成不變:To never change
    兩全其美:Having both sides that are perfect
    三頭六臂:To be very powerful
    四面楚歌;Something that will fail completely
    五光十色:Very colorful and bright
    六神無主:To have no idea
    七手八腳:To get so many people involved that it will just get worse
    八面玲瓏:Very tactful
    九牛一毛:To small or minor to mention
    十全十美:Totally perfect

  4. 1.成語的特性:
    • 很久以前就有
    • 成語大部分都是四個字的,不能亂改字
    • 成語是meaningful的
    • Need to use the idioms in the right place, understand fully before you use the idioms.
    一石二鳥:用一顆石頭打到兩隻鳥。Doing one thing that will benefit two.
    孤注一擲: 比喻危急時,投入全部力量,作最後的冒險。Using all of your best effort to accomplish something.
    焚膏繼晷: 形容不眠不休地的工作或活動 Working tirelessly day and night.
    半途而廢:做事做一半就停住了。To give up halfway; to fall by the way side.
    2. 網路拼音教室:第七課 ia、ie、in、ing(ㄧㄚ、ㄧㄝ、ㄧㄣ、ㄧㄥ:100%

    答題選擇 對錯 正確答案
    1 B 對 B
    2 C 對 C
    3 A 對 A
    4 D 對 D
    5 B 對 B
    6 B 對 B
    7 C 對 C
    8 A 對 A
    9 D 對 D
    10 C 對 C

    3. 文字迷宮:
    • 一成不變:always stay the same; never change
    • 兩全其美:perfect in everyway
    • 三頭六臂:three heads and six arms; someone with great ability to do something
    • 四面楚歌:surrounded by enemies
    • 五光十色:brilliant lights everywhere
    • 六神無主:distracted
    • 七手八腳:seven hands and eight legs;
    • 八面玲瓏:someone who can deal with things smoothly
    • 九牛一毛:one hair from nine oxen; a drop water in the ocean
    • 十全十美:perfect
    4. 我最喜歡的成語故事是:狐假虎威,因為我覺得狐貍很聰明。
    5.e-mail you the score.

  5. Each one is four words long.
    they are all ancient.
    The order cannot be changed.
    Each one has a story.


    半途而廢 does follow the rules which are ancient, four words, the order cannot be changed, and it has a story.

    一程不變-nothing ever changes
    兩全其美-let both sides win
    三頭六臂-very productive
    四面楚歌-dangerous on all sides
    五光十色-very interesting
    六神無主-don’t know what to do
    七手八腳-very messy
    八面玲瓏-very flexible with
    others’ interests
    腳牛一毛-piece of cake
    十全十美-everything completed
    and done well

  6. My favorite idiom story was 狐假虎威. My favorite game was 鶴蚌相爭的城與故是理解.
    一石二鳥 in English is to do one thing and get two benefits.

  7. 一石二鳥 : to kill two birds with one stone
    孤注一擲 : to put all the eggs into one basket
    焚膏繼晷 : to burn the midnight oil

  8. 2.成語的特色:
    1) 是從很久以前就流傳下來
    2) 有固定的形式和含意
    3) 通常出自一個故事
    4. 文字迷宮
    1) 一成不變= things never change
    2) 兩全其美=to get the best of both worlds
    3) 三頭六臂=to be extremely talented
    4) 四面楚歌=surrounded on all sides by enemies, isolated and helpless
    5) 五光十色=colorful and eye-catching
    6) 六神無主=besides oneself with panic
    7) 七手八腳=everybody is trying to help, but they are not organized
    8) 八面玲櫳=very capable and making sure everybody is taken care of
    9) 九牛一毛=very insignificant
    10) 十全十美=to be perfect

  9. Hi 王子芸: I did receive your Hanyu Pinyin answer sheet via e-mail at 21:17 12/2/11,you will earn extra 5 points, when you finished #1,.你最喜歡的成語故事和遊戲?#2.成語有哪些特性?『半途而廢』是否具備了成語的哪些特性? #4.文字迷宮

  10. Dear Alena:Thank you for your input, and I think he also good on the Hanyu pinyin online homework, he always turn in the homework ahead of the most of classmates.

  11. Dear Cai Laoshi,
    I think Christopher could be complimented on the time he spent on learning the Zhong guo hua (although he’s still not good, but he did put in much effort).Thanks,Alena.

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