學習成果展:話劇『豆豆學中文』+相聲表演『中文比英文容易學』; 北極星和指南針






太陽系八大行星  –

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How to Use a Compass  

How to Use a Compass



The Four Great Inventions of Ancient China -請列舉中國古代的四大發明是????

 指南針為什麼會指示方向? What is your answer?

12 thoughts on “學習成果展:話劇『豆豆學中文』+相聲表演『中文比英文容易學』; 北極星和指南針

  1. 1.I watched all the videos
    2.I couldn’t hear what it said
    3.the magnetic pull of the North Pole forces the magnet in the compass to face the North Pole

  2. 1. I watched all of the presentations and the videos.
    2. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. It is rock solid. Venus takes 225 days to complete one orbit.
    3. The North Star represents the criminal who killed the rich man and the rest of the constellation represents the funeral procession.
    4. The four inventions are: zhi3 nan2 zhen1, hou3 yao4, zuo4 zhi3 shu4, yin4 shua4 shu4
    5. The compass can tell you what direction you are facing because it is attracted to magnetic north.

  3. 1. This is the skit our group did! They have much better pronunciation.
    2. I have also seen this one before, basically they are saying that Chinese is much faster to say and makes more sense than English.
    3. Mercury is 4.5 Billion years old.
    Venus orbits in 225 days.
    Mercury has had no volcanic activity for the last 300 million years.
    4. Uhm, I think Polaris is considered the evil star because it is the star that is not grieving for the death of that man.
    5. The Aztecs would sacrifice human hearts of the Quetzalcoatl by throwing it into the fire. But the Quetzalcoatl’s love for his people would not burn, instead it rose into the sky to watch over his people forever.

    6…. Wow. There are alot of compasses. Anyways, compasses can be used to see where north is and it will help you go to where want to. The magnetic north pole is not the same as north pole. The Magnetic north pole is actually in Canada. Of course, where you are there is different magnetic variation based on location so you have to calculate that into your compass reading.

    7.Uhm not sure if I understood much. The compass was made in China and they used it in navigation to India.

    8. Four inventions are: compass,gunpowder, mobile type, paper making, printing,

    9. The magnet is attracted to the magnetic north so it points to magnetic north.

  4. 4. 因北極星好似罪人一樣固定在同樣的位置, 到現在也必須忍受三個女兒的仇恨.

    8. 指南針(compass), 火葯(gunpowder), 造紙术(paper making),印刷术(printing movable type)

    9. 因指南針中的磁鍚吸引到地磁場.

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