慶祝88節/mini Olympic

Happy 88 Day!” to all the Dads!!  We celebrated Father’s Day in advance at
school this afternoon.  In Taiwan our Father’s
day is set on the 8th of August, taking the homophonic sound of 8 8 sounds
like ba ba/
爸爸 that’s exactly meant Daddy.  The faculty only decided the theme late last
Saturday after school, it had to be the mini Olympic to fit the latest trend!  

Time was tight
before the fun started!  That meant we
got to finish making all the decorations and the Father’s day cards, fitted in
my teaching plans somewhere in 90 mins. 
Well, we did a lot of it, and had a bit of fun too.  The children were a little timid but excited when
we walked in to the hall meeting their Mums & Dads.  I hope all parent/s had a fun time with your
little one/s this afternoon.   

今天學校提前慶祝88!  上週六下課後,老師們開會決定以mini 
型態 來做親子活動,讓孩子們與爸爸同歡. 

今天下午前半段,可能幾乎每班老師都忙著小朋友趕著完成給爸爸的卡片, 或要出場的旗子,或頭飾我們班也不例外!! 只是我把美勞的顏色縮小至Olympic colour, ,,,,绿.

 托爸爸的福, 下午我們很早就到了學校, 女兒又喜歡幫我忙, 我讓她們把顏色挑好的小氣球先吹起來. 滿桌子的氣球,...绿, 就差了黑色! (實在是買不到! ) 不過小朋友們並不挑剔, 一看到氣球, 眼睛立刻閃出一道光!  把小氣球套上橡皮筋, 小朋友們可挑選自己喜歡的顏色掛在手腕上. 
我們又用pipe cleaners和氣球做頭飾.  今天下午可忙的!

時間很趕, 我讓孩子們用很有限的資源做了三角旗. 以黑色為底色, 黏貼上藍...绿tissue paper.  再來,來把這些小旗子黏到我準備好的大旗子(很遺憾,是桃紅色的,^^) 本來去學校的路上還在遺憾沒找多一些花俏的小東西給小朋友們黏貼, 這時想起來還好我沒丟太多東西出去, 不然一定做不完!

我們坐下來圍成一個圓圈, 讀了一本繪本, My Dad is brilliant by Nick Butterworth. Grade1 Milla幫我讀英文原文, 我用中文把故事再講解一次.. (真奇妙但也是新的經驗!) 
每位孩子都樂意分享他們爸爸拿手的事! 宇澤說爸爸擅長打呼, 和煮bacon & eggs. 麗燕的爸爸也是會做 bacon & eggs. 美娥也幫爸爸做蛋糕.  銘楷說 Daddy is good at riding bikes.  Milla’s daddy is good at everything, she said.  ..  , 教唱了兩首新歌, 頭肩膀膝腳趾 朋友歌. 前一首和英文head shoulders knees & toes 旋侓一樣, 孩子們很容易就朗朗上口,再加上動作, 小朋友很快就學會了.  朋友歌就有點兒挑戰性, 但歌詞的重複性高, 所以也不難學, 我畫蛇添足地加了動作,孩子們似乎還挺開心唱的, 我想下一堂課再複習複習就更容易了.   愛雯因為去練中國舞, 所以這部分她就沒參與到.

把我們合做的旗子套上旗杆 (家裡找到一根長棍子來應急!)  3點左右,雙手套上小氣球, 戴上我們手做的頭飾, 手牽手, 嘴裡哼著歌, 我們入場去和爸爸/媽媽們同歡了! 希望大家有個開心的下午.



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