Week15 CSL3 漢字的故事:上下卡左右; 認識『指事字』; 量詞歌;朗讀練習自選題目(一):老師的心 

榮譽榜(Week 13 Super Student of the Week ): 陳繼豪Tim Sananikon.


Prepositions of Location

 The Story of Chinese Character : 上 

 上 depicts the horizon with a point written above it, clearly indicate something situated on the top, thus deriving the meaning of going forward.


The Story of Chinese Character : 下

下 depicts the horizon with a point written below it, clearly indicate something situated at the bottom, thus deriving the meaning of moving backward.


The Story of Chinese Character : 卡

卡 was formed by 上 and 下, represents something get stuck in between, also derives the meaning of stop. On the other hand, since the pronunciation of 卡 is similar to English word 'card', 卡

「卡」字由「上」字和「下」字組成,指某些東西給楔在其間,亦有停止的意思。另一方面,由於「卡」字的發音跟英文的 card 近似,故亦有硬紙片之意。

 The Story of Chinese Character : 左

左 depicts a hand with 工(a tool) next to it. Ancient Chinese thought that right hand is more important among two hands since it was stronger and more agile, while left hand was less important and was seen as an assistant of the right hand. Tool is an assistant of human beings so 工 is added to represent it is our left hand or the left.


The Story of Chinese Character : 右

右 depicts a hand with 口(a mouth) next to it. Since right hand is stronger and more agile among two hands , we use it to do most of our works while the production of food is the most important, so 囗 is added to represent it is our right hand or the right.


On the other hand, 又 is the origin of 右. In the past, 又 meant right hand, but after 右 had been invented, 又 solely meant also. Now 右 and 又 share the same pronunciation, it can be seen as an evidence of such evolution.


漢字的故事 :


指事字Hieroglyphics 屬於「獨體造字法」。與象形的主要分別,是指事字含有繪畫較抽像中的東西。例如「刃」字是在「刀」的鋒利處加上一點,以作標示;「凶」字則是在陷阱處加上交叉符號;「上」、「下」二字則是在主體「一」的上方或下方畫上標示符號;「三」則由三橫來表示。這些字的勾畫,都有較抽像的部份。



Please list all measure words you can find from
below video.








Week14 CSL3 (分組活動帶動唱) 健康歌; Share Holiday Spirit – San Jose Tradition “Christmas in the Park”. 自我學習評量:克漏字填空練習

榮譽榜(Week 13 Super Student of the Week ): 美娜Yassna Khosravi

(分組活動帶動唱) 健康歌-學生自我編排動作配合歌詞練唱,並加入 Gangnam Style 江南騎馬舞助興,學生的用心學習和靈活運用,真令人讚賞。



(爺爺)左三圈 右三圈 脖子扭扭 屁股扭扭
早睡早起 咱們來做運動
抖抖手啊 抖抖腳啊 勤做深呼吸
學爺爺唱唱跳跳 你才不會老

(爺爺)笑瞇瞇 笑瞇瞇 做人客氣 快樂容易

() 爺爺說的容易 早上起床哈啾!哈啾!

(爺爺)不要亂吃零食 多喝開水 咕嚕咕嚕
我比誰更有活力 (!加油!加油)

() 左三圈 右三圈 脖子扭扭 屁股扭扭
早睡早起 咱們來做運動
抖抖手啊 抖抖腳啊 勤做深呼吸
學爺爺唱唱跳跳 我也不會老

() 笑瞇瞇 笑瞇瞇 對人客氣 笑容可掬

(爺爺)你越來越美麗 人人都說nice nice

() 飯前記得洗手 飯後記得漱口漱口
健康的人快樂多 (!加油!加油)

() 左三圈 右三圈 脖子扭扭 屁股扭扭
早睡早起 咱們來做運動
抖抖手啊 抖抖腳啊 勤做深呼吸
學爺爺唱唱跳咷 我們不會老


1 2 3 4  2 2 3 4  3 2 3 4  4 2 3 4  5 2 3 4  6 2 3 4  7 2 3 4  8 2 3 4

Sharing Holiday Spirit and San Jose Tradition event:"Christmas in the Park".  

Christmas in the Park  is an annual holiday tradition that takes place in the heart of Downtown San José at the Plaza de Cesar Chavez.

背景音樂 Please click below triangle button to enjoy the background music.



How many pictures you can find from below "Christmas in the Park" auto pictures slides?  Have you ever been there before? How do you like the decorations over there? And which picture(s) is your favorite?

Christmas in the Park is the best way to build holiday memories with family and friends. This tradition has been a San Jose family favorite since the beginning, more than 33 years ago. The event will be held from November 23rd 2012 to January 1 st 2013.  




Extra credit: After choose the correct answer, read along and copy each completed sentence and turn in to get extra credit. 

延伸詞群練習:小朋友你知道怎麼選用正確的量詞嗎?請參考“量詞&文具1”和“量詞&文具2Do you know how to use the correct measure word for stationery category items ? Please click below link and study 2 data sheets.