Week15 CSL3 漢字的故事:上下卡左右; 認識『指事字』; 量詞歌;朗讀練習自選題目(一):老師的心 

榮譽榜(Week 13 Super Student of the Week ): 陳繼豪Tim Sananikon.


Prepositions of Location

 The Story of Chinese Character : 上 

 上 depicts the horizon with a point written above it, clearly indicate something situated on the top, thus deriving the meaning of going forward.


The Story of Chinese Character : 下

下 depicts the horizon with a point written below it, clearly indicate something situated at the bottom, thus deriving the meaning of moving backward.


The Story of Chinese Character : 卡

卡 was formed by 上 and 下, represents something get stuck in between, also derives the meaning of stop. On the other hand, since the pronunciation of 卡 is similar to English word 'card', 卡

「卡」字由「上」字和「下」字組成,指某些東西給楔在其間,亦有停止的意思。另一方面,由於「卡」字的發音跟英文的 card 近似,故亦有硬紙片之意。

 The Story of Chinese Character : 左

左 depicts a hand with 工(a tool) next to it. Ancient Chinese thought that right hand is more important among two hands since it was stronger and more agile, while left hand was less important and was seen as an assistant of the right hand. Tool is an assistant of human beings so 工 is added to represent it is our left hand or the left.


The Story of Chinese Character : 右

右 depicts a hand with 口(a mouth) next to it. Since right hand is stronger and more agile among two hands , we use it to do most of our works while the production of food is the most important, so 囗 is added to represent it is our right hand or the right.


On the other hand, 又 is the origin of 右. In the past, 又 meant right hand, but after 右 had been invented, 又 solely meant also. Now 右 and 又 share the same pronunciation, it can be seen as an evidence of such evolution.


漢字的故事 :


指事字Hieroglyphics 屬於「獨體造字法」。與象形的主要分別,是指事字含有繪畫較抽像中的東西。例如「刃」字是在「刀」的鋒利處加上一點,以作標示;「凶」字則是在陷阱處加上交叉符號;「上」、「下」二字則是在主體「一」的上方或下方畫上標示符號;「三」則由三橫來表示。這些字的勾畫,都有較抽像的部份。



Please list all measure words you can find from
below video.








4 thoughts on “Week15 CSL3 漢字的故事:上下卡左右; 認識『指事字』; 量詞歌;朗讀練習自選題目(一):老師的心 

  1. Lao Shi,I also did the lesson 5 sentence quiz. I got 29 for my accurate spelling per minute. I got 99 percent.It is not my best, but I’ll keep trying.


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