WK14 CSL2A Parents Notice & Students 課堂活動影音檔

Week14 CSL2A Parents Notice.pdf

Please be informed that January 3rd (01/03/09) will be Leland's day for pest spraying.the school will be closed on 01/03/09. After the Holiday Break, you should be returning to school on January 10 (01/10/09)




Y兒歌:小老鼠 上燈臺 偷油吃 下不來

叫媽媽   媽不來 嘰哩咕嚕滾~~~


4 thoughts on “WK14 CSL2A Parents Notice & Students 課堂活動影音檔

  1. Dear Amy:Thank you so much for your 肯定和鼓勵!I am glad Christopher in my class this year. 他是一個好學勤勉,做事又相當有原則的模範生。相信他將來會是society 的中堅份子,讓我們共同為培育傑出的人才繼續努力,加油!

  2. Thanks Lao Shi for all your great efforts in every aspect.  Christopher enjoys the class very well and you provide a wonderful nurturing environment for learning 🙂 Amy

  3. Dear AiHua:Thank you so much for your input and I do enjoy Derek and Edward in my CSL class. Yes, Edward 雖然只有五歲半,但他讓我很欣慰他的課堂表現和他的學習能力。我特別喜歡他強而有力的作答,是那麼的充滿自信和得意樣。真是可愛極了!

  4. Dear Cai Laoshi,Thanks for all the hardwork.  My boys are very enjoy it.  They feel so proud of themself to know so many Chinese word from Cai Laoshi every Saturday.  Specilly Edward, he is only 5 and 1/2 year old, he is doing as good as Derek.  Thanks Cai Laoshi to give him the chance to attend the class.Cai Laoshi,Keep up the good work.Hua 


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