WK16 CSL2A Parents Notice — 1/17/09期末考; Chinese New Year 農曆新年 01/26/09

Dear CSL2A Parents: Happy New Year!!
Enclosed please kindly find the attached file for your reference.
(1) 下週1/17/09期末考
(2) 請班主任01/24/09為班上同學們準備紅包。謝謝!
Super Student of the Week黃章融

Group 1. 何培博、黃章源、翁致遠、黃章融

Group 2. 譚家鎮、廖頌揚、譚嘉雯、Pernelle
Group 3. 曾樂恩、黃俊傑、利偉廉、閔蘭

3 thoughts on “WK16 CSL2A Parents Notice — 1/17/09期末考; Chinese New Year 農曆新年 01/26/09

  1. Dear Cai Laoshi, Edward feels so proud of himself.  He carried my laptop and show his picture  to his grandparent and  his Dad.  He also asked me to frame his “Star of the week” certificate and hand it on the family room’s wall. Cai Laoshi’s reward is big encouragement for Edward. Thank you very much. AiHua (Edward’s Mom)

  2. This activity is very great. It helps kids to understand what they learn from the text book.

    Thanks Cai Laoshi.

    AiHua (Drek and Edward’s Mom)

  3. Dear parents:

    Only a few minutes pratice, and kids do enjoy their first group play. It is quite different experience for them, but it will help them to grow their performacnce skill .

    And thank you for your participate. As I always said:



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