相聲表演票選前三名 &『一言難盡中文班』 performance 總集錦


2/7/09 5th performance: 蘇家瑋、陸俊傑 

1/31/09 4th performance. 余心愷 & Daddy ; 黃郁心& Mommy; 孟亞倫、熊政樺

請上網票選你所喜歡的 top 3 前三組表演,你也可以請親朋好友為你拉票助選。此票選活動將於2/15/09截止。

目前投票結果as of 2/8/09: 酷比和酷爸(3), 陳雅琪(2), 陳顥、蔡博宇(1)


酷比和酷爸─改編版『一言難盡中文班』Time: 2:09

母女檔 廖頌天和媽媽 Time: 2:41

陳雅琪一人扮演兩個角色Time: 2:04

2nd Performance: 1/17/09 陳顥、蔡博宇 Time: 2:43

1st performance: 1/10/09 梁巧忻、梁嘉忻 Time: 2:01


5 thoughts on “相聲表演票選前三名 &『一言難盡中文班』 performance 總集錦

  1. Lee and Stephanie did a great job, Lee on the scripts and Stephanie on memorzing the whole thing. Great Job to both of You!!!

  2. Yes, Stephine is great, she can memoriz the whole script and speak smothly. That's no doubt about that, she did take time to prepare for that. Well Done!! 陳雅琪you have earn your first vote.


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