8/22/09 聖荷西中文學校 開學囉!

2009~2010 6 grd Schedule.pdf

69514-Week1 Book6.pdf 

Teaching Guide 六年級教學綱領.pdf


(1) 很榮幸今年將由我蔡青蓉來擔任29A班六年級的教學, 為配合學校e化新方針,請多利用此部落格作為我們的溝通管道;And, you will receive the weekly Parent's Notice 聯絡單via e-mail from now on. So, you can always check the information online (Never worry about lost it.) Even you miss the class, you still know where http://blog.huayuworld.org/eclassfun to get them. Please put any comment (是否贊同:聯絡單via e-mail) inside down below "comment box". Please advise.

(2)  請為孩子們開立線上Moodle教室專用的gmail帳號,因為此虛擬Moodle線上教室,目前與gmail帳號比較相容適宜。然後再到全球華文網開設一學生帳號,老師就會給予密碼令其上網選課,學生就可做線上錄音作業繳交和測驗評量練習。請參加 this Saturday 8/22/09 10:40~10:50am 第一次師長班級聯誼會,將會有初步地講解說明。

(3) 請隨時參考附件中的學期課程進度表教學綱領,作為在家督導孩子學習的準則。

(4) http://www.mzchinese.org/English/Level_06English.html 請讓孩子上網先預習第六冊第一課。 

8/22/09 課堂上,我們會分發課本和作業本。See you all  8/22/09 10:40~10:50am 第一次師長班級聯誼會

13 thoughts on “8/22/09 聖荷西中文學校 開學囉!

  1. Hello Teacher,What should I do with the moving picture? I finished it, but what should I do next? By the way, I got 100% on the online problems. Hooray!(I sent the results by e-mail. It is an attachment)                                     Alex 

  2. Hi Jessica Lin, We had received your message.  Thanks for your class information. Best Regards, Benson/Tiffany Ho(Cheyenne Ho's parents)

  3. Hi Jessica,

    Thanks for the information. This is to confirm receiving of your email.

    Best Regards,
    Victor, Diana, & Jonathan Chang

  4. Dear Teacher Cai:It's O.K. for us to receive weekly parent's notice via e-mail.We look forward to meeting you on Saturday.

  5. Hello Jessica,

    Thanks you for your information and preliminary data. Appreciate you hard work to collect these information together. Expecting Jasper, his classmates, and all parents to enjoy this new class schedule; 10:30am, and to work together to push our Chinese learning to higher levels.

    Best Regards,

    Andy, Wendy, and Jasper Gan


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