WK4 29A Parents Notice + 網路拼音教室:第三課 g、k、h、j、q、x(ㄍ、ㄎ、ㄏ、ㄐ、ㄑ、ㄒ)

Week4 29A Parents Notice.pdf 

榮譽榜(Week 2 – Honor Roll ): 張玉琥

課堂分組活動 角色扮演:這不是我的皮夾子嗎?    


网路拼音教室 第三課 g、k、h、j、q、x    (ㄍ、ㄎ、ㄏ、ㄐ、ㄑ、ㄒ)



41 thoughts on “WK4 29A Parents Notice + 網路拼音教室:第三課 g、k、h、j、q、x(ㄍ、ㄎ、ㄏ、ㄐ、ㄑ、ㄒ)

  1. This is homework 3 results
    答題 選擇 對錯 正確答案
    1 A 對 A
    2 C 對 C
    3 B 對 B
    4 D 對 D
    5 B 對 B
    6 C 對 C
    7 D 對 D
    8 C 對 C
    9 A 對 A
    10 B 對 B

  2. Dear Sam:
    Glad to see your online homework again. Don’t worry about late, just make sure you did learn something from the work, you are Great 17.
    It is very late now!! Have a nice dream!!
    Tsai Lao Shi

  3. hi– I’m SO sorry I’m SO late! I’ve been preparing for speech and debate for the last two weeks, I have a competition coming up so I’ve been EXTREMELY busy but I’m finally doing it now!

  4. hi– I’m SO sorry I’m SO late! I’ve been preparing for speech and debate for the last two weeks, I have a competition coming up so I’ve been EXTREMELY busy but I’m finally doing it now!

  5. Dear Grace: I did receive your test result and report online, you do meet the inquiry, and you are Great 13.

  6. I FINALLY got it done, but I was a little late. I got 1 wrong the 1st time and the 2nd time i got them all right.

  7. Hi Wilson: You support to e-mail me the test result screen capture, but instead you sent to WK3 Lesson 2 comment box. I let you go this time, but in the future, I like you to pay more attention on the instruction of your assignment.


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