WK11 29A Parents Notice +網路拼音教室:第十課 ua、uai、uan、uang(ㄨㄚ、ㄨㄞ、ㄨㄢ、ㄨㄤ)

84602-Week11 29A Parents Notice.pdf

10/31/09 班級照相日-29A Class Picture




萬聖節最佳角色扮演獎 劉尚棋的兵馬俑

37 thoughts on “WK11 29A Parents Notice +網路拼音教室:第十課 ua、uai、uan、uang(ㄨㄚ、ㄨㄞ、ㄨㄢ、ㄨㄤ)

  1. Hi Ethan:
    I did receive your 3 attached files, but you didn’t report online that time, so I was stuck in the middle until today 11/22, you will gain fully credit for following the procedure promperly, otherwise, you will receive only half of credit, please remember the rule we mentioned during the class.

    Cai Laoshi

  2. dear teacher, I sent the pin yin Lesson 10 on Friday, but I don’t think it went through so I’m resending it. I hope you got my e-mail. I got everything right on my first try.

  3. Hi Justin: Received your test result only on Wednesday, November 11, 2009 4:13 PM, you will receive half of the credit for this assignment. You are Hooray No. 16 (-).

  4. Hi 鄭佳佑 (Gloria) : You are Hooray No. 15. o.k. we would wait for you to slove the problem and type the Chinese to get your extra credit.

  5. I got 100% on my first try.
    The chinese function on this
    computor is not functioning properly
    otherwise I would type this in chinese

  6. Hi 蔣慶瑋 (Grace) : I received your test result on Sunday, November 8, 2009 10:54 AM. You are Hooray No. 13(-).

  7. Hi 羅濤(Alex): You are Hooray No. 10.

    Please don’t confuse, it is lesson 10 of Hanyu Pinyin and which is under week 11. Because we start this series from week2.

  8. I got #1,#6, and #7 wrong the first time, #6 and #10 wrong the second time, but got them all right the third time.

  9. 謝謝巴西公主的鼓勵和支持‧藉此華文優格盛會,全球華文老師能夠以網會友,相互教學相長,希望有機會也到貴部落格逛逛走走.下次請留下你的網址喔!

  10. 蔡老師,
    第一次造訪您的部落格, 覺得您的部落格好精彩。
    從您的部落格看來, 就可知道您是個用心的老師。
    很高興您參加部落格大賽, 我會投您的票的。


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