輕鬆學成語- 知道成語的特性和出處: 配合美洲華語第六冊第四課課文教學

輕鬆學成語 – 成語的特性和三個成語例子一石二鳥、孤注一擲、焚膏繼晷。







[以上2練習題材選自-成語活學活用 基礎篇]


文字迷宮:請找出一到十的成語,並加英文翻譯(Please list all 10 idioms with English translation.)



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17 thoughts on “輕鬆學成語- 知道成語的特性和出處: 配合美洲華語第六冊第四課課文教學

  1. Hi Samantha : Although you turn in late, you still receive the fully credit for this assignment. You are Fantastic No. 8.

  2. 1. Unchangeable
    2. Covering both ends
    3. Superhuman powers
    4. To be besieged on all sides
    5. Colorful
    6. Lost your focus
    7. Everybody lends a hand
    8. Polished with minimal difficulties
    9. Drop in the bucket
    10. flawless

  3. 1. 一成不變: won’t change at all
    2. 兩全其美: to benifit both sides
    3. 三頭六臂: flexible to d many things
    4. 四面楚歌: hard on all aspects
    5. 五光十色: vivid and radiant
    6. 六神無主: nervous and no control
    7. 七手八腳: messy
    8. 八面玲瓏: skillful in dealing problems
    9. 九牛一毛: piece of cake; ability to do things easily
    10.十全十美: well done

  4. 1. 一成不變: never changes
    2. 兩全其美: to profit both sides
    3. 三頭六臂: be capable to do anything
    4. 四面楚歌: facing difficulty
    5. 五光十色: colorful
    6. 六神無主: no idea what to do
    7. 七手八腳: great commotion
    8. 八面玲瓏: to be pleasant all around
    9. 九牛一毛: one hair from nine oxen; easy to do
    10.十全十美: perfect

  5. Hi 梁耀文(Lawrence): You are Fantastic No. 5.
    2.兩全其美:the best(??? the best of what?)Please restudy and provide your answer during 12/5/09 class.

  6. 1.一成不變:static
    2.兩全其美:the best
    3.三頭六臂:really capable
    4.四面楚歌:attacked from all sides
    5.五光十色:many colors
    6.六神無主:don’t know what to do
    7.七手八腳:too many people trying to help
    9.九牛一毛:one out of a lot

  7. Hi 黎祐瑄(Yowsean): You are Fantastic No. 4.But, can you tell me what’s the difference between No. 2兩全其美 and No. 10十全十美?你可以說:他是一個”十全十美”的人改說成:他是一個”兩全其美”的人嗎?I don’t think so.And 9.九牛一毛:very less 英文翻譯也不是很正確。

  8. 1.一成不變:fixed
    2.兩全其美:perfect solution
    3.三頭六臂:to be capable
    4.四面楚歌:to be in danger
    7.七手八腳:a lot of commotion
    8.八面玲瓏:please everyone
    9.九牛一毛:very less
    10.十全十美:very perfect

  9. Hi孟婕琦(Regina): You are Fantastic No. 3.Please make sure you do understand the meaning of each idiom.比如說:9. 九 牛 一 毛,字面上的意思是one hair of nine oxen,而真正引伸的的意思是……..

  10. Dear Teacher,
    I forgot to write the English meaning so here they are.
    2.both parties
    3.resourceful and capable
    5.resplendent with variegated coloration
    7.doing something simultaneously
    8.pleasant all around
    9.one hair of nine oxen

  11. 1. 一 成 不 變
    2. 两 全 其 美
    3. 三 頭 六 臂
    4. 四 面 楚 歌
    5. 五 光 十 色
    6. 六 神 無 主
    7. 七 手 八 脚
    8. 八 面 玲 瓏
    9. 九 牛 一 毛
    10. 十 全 十 美

  12. Dear 張玉琥(Jonathan): You are Fantastic No. 2. Use your own words, it did help you to understand each idiom meaning. isn’t it? Please keep up the good work!!

  13. 1. 一成不變: fixed
    2. 兩全其美: one action can fulfill both tasks
    3. 三頭六臂: do things efficiently like having 3 heads and 6 arms
    4. 四面楚歌: Dangerous situation
    5. 五光十色: colorful
    6. 六神無主: distracted
    7. 七手八腳: great commotion
    8. 八面玲瓏: smooth and slick; great social skills
    9. 九牛一毛: easy to do
    10. 十全十美: perfect

  14. Dear 方彥雅(Joyce): You are Fantastic No. 1. You have done the super job on your Chinese learning. With each different porject, I can feel your effort and you do enjoy your work. 請繼續加油!!

  15. 1. 一成不變-immutable and frozen; fixed
    2. 兩全其美-to be complete in both respects
    3. 三頭六臂superhuman powers; with 3 heads and 6 arms
    4. 四面楚歌-be surrounded by enemies
    5. 五光十色-multicolored
    6. 六神無主-distracted; out of one’s wits
    7. 七手八腳-with great commotion
    8. 八面玲瓏-smooth and slick
    9. 九牛一毛-a drop in the bucket
    10. 十全十美- perfect; flawless


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