TOP: 華語文能力測驗(Test Of Proficiency – Huayu)

 Happy Holiday!! E-Card from Cai Laoshi~

TOP: 華語文能力測驗(Test Of Proficiency – Huayu)

 同學們知道自己的中文語言能力程度如何嗎?請利用兩周的休假空閒時間,在沒有繁重課業壓力下,依照以下步驟做線上 基礎模擬測驗,學生可以檢視自己學習華語的實力和成效,進而提昇學生的學習興趣和自信心。

(1) Please click Online practice drill

(2) Check your answer with [基礎答案]

(3) Report your test result: How long it take? and how many correct answers you got.

Note: 華語文能力測驗 線上練習 TOP Online Mock Test



2.此系統需逐題送出作答反應,無法累計作答分數。Please check your answer every 10 questions.


 一、這個題本一共有 80 題,考試時間是 80 分鐘 。包括下面兩個項目:

You have 80 minutes to work on this test. It consists of Listening and Reading Comprehension. The total number of test items is 80.

(1) 聽力理解Listening Comprehension (共 40 , 40 test items

(2) 閱讀理解Reading Comprehension (共 40 , 40 test items

14 thoughts on “TOP: 華語文能力測驗(Test Of Proficiency – Huayu)

  1. Dear 蔣慶瑋(Grace):You are Brilliant No. 5. Wow! 45mins only, you must pretty good on the test. Please keep going.

  2. Teacher,
    I did the proficiency test. my dad helped me to
    check the answers. I got 67/80 correct on it.
    the first part was easy but the second part was very hard to took me 45 min to finish

  3. Teacher,
    I did the proficiency test. my dad helped me to
    check the answers. I got 67/80 correct on it.
    the first part was easy but the second part was very hard to took me 45 min to finish

  4. Dear Alex: Thank you for sharig the experience with us. 你好棒喔, 只花41分鐘,而且只錯2題.You are Brilliant No. 2.

  5. Dear Teacher,
    I took the test and the first part was pretty easy. However, the last part was pretty easy. I took 41 minutes and I think it said I got 2 wrong I think.

  6. Dear Derek: You are the first person who reported have done the test.”You have 80 minutes to work on this test.” It consists of Listening and Reading Comprehension. The total number of test items is 80. And you only take one hour to finish the test. Great job!! You are Brilliant No. 1.


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