精選動畫故事 (練習說故事) 2010 Week 10 CSL3 Parents Notice – 美洲華語第三冊第九課;遊戲學華語-功夫小子闖通關

Week10 CSL3_2_ Parents Notice.pdf

















    利偉廉 4/4 小壽星感言

  如何學好中文──外籍老師經驗談 (How to move up your Chinese learning?)

 美國人流行學中文 (What did you learn from this video?)

 我中文课的电影 (Chinese Movie)

(Please make 2 minutes speech to describe yourself and your family members.)  

 外國人說中國話 – 誰說的最好


total 24 stories, pick one for your presentation!!

 德国女孩儿讲中文故事 -"兔子的導師"

論文 lùnwén paper / treatise / thesis

導師 dǎoshī tutor / teacher / academic advisor

狐狸 li fox;    láng wolf  [參考資料 MDBG Chinese Reader ]

 輕鬆時刻【遊戲學華語】for 29A class students 成語練習

功夫小子闖通關 Kung-fu Buster


44 thoughts on “精選動畫故事 (練習說故事) 2010 Week 10 CSL3 Parents Notice – 美洲華語第三冊第九課;遊戲學華語-功夫小子闖通關

  1. Hi 曉恩: Thank you for your comfirm. You will book – 14.Story presentation for 何曉恩:”自私的猴子”.

  2. Hi 羅濤( Alex Lo): You are 電腦小超人 No.5 (1分) It is not easy for the first tester. So, the more you practice and the more easier you will see.

  3. It is really hard. The time between when they say the question and when the answer choises come out is really shaort. I got seven out of ten.

  4. Hi 羅濤:你和 謝魏敬謙(Wilson)選了同樣的題目:”人為財死,鳥為食亡”- “To die for fortune and food”.

  5. 12.Story presentation for 謝魏敬謙(Wilson): “人為財死,鳥為食亡” very good choice, I like this topic very much.

  6. Hi 方彥雅( Joyce):This is to confirm your choice “話是收不回來的” is ok to perform on 5/1.

  7. Hi Justin: Thank you for re-selected the story title. You can talk about “馬和驢子” or “三隻小豬”.

  8. Hi 子杰(Justin):the 3 little pigs已被 梁耀文(Lawrence)選走了-4/11: “三隻小豬”. Please try to pick up the other story.

  9. Wow,黎祐瑄( Yowsean): 功夫小子闖通關 Kung-fu Buster 你得到4480分。好能幹喔!! You are 電腦小超人 No. 4. (2分).

  10. Dear Grace: this is to confirm your presentation will be on 5/1/10, and for the story title of “愛依賴的小山羊” – “the dependent baby goat” (1分).

  11. Hi 張玉琥( Jonathan ): “國王扮乞丐” “A king disguised as a beggar”. — confirmed. your presentation time slot will be on 5/1/10 (1分).

  12. Hi 甘易修(Jesper):”冷靜的老驢子”- the calm old donkey- 很好的選擇. your presentation will be on 5/1/10 (2分).

  13. Dear 楊延歡 (Alice): “龜兔賽跑”, 很好的選擇. your presentation will be on 5/1/10 (3分).

  14. Hi 朱容宇(Derek):This is to confirm your choice-“風,雨,雪三兄弟” is OK for your presentation on 5/1 (5分). And you have 假如我是中文老師… presentaion on 4/24.

  15. 1)我知道有好多人講中文
    3)在kung-fu buster我得了4170 from help from mother

  16. Dear Derek: Good job!!You are 電腦 小小超人No. 1. (5分). Your score 2,740, so far is top no. 1. Don’t forgot to choose your story for presentation.

  17. Dear Cai laoshi,
    I rule on kungfu buster. My score was 2,740. I did it with no help. Anyway,I like the game a lot.

  18. Dear 謙謙:你動作好快喔,老師剛送出e-mail沒多久,你就上網答覆了.You are 電腦小超人 No. 1 (5分)

    Kung Fu Buster-You need to report how much score you gain when you reach the end.

  19. Dear, Cai Lao Shi,
    1)The 1st thing I learned is that people who speak Chinese is a lot more than English AND Spanish combined.
    2)On the Kung Fu Buster game I failed the 1st try, but with a “little” help from my helpful mother, I got a 100% on the 2nd try


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