2010 Wk9 29A Parents Notice “一言難盡中文班”相聲表演剪影片段+口語評量:假如我是中文老師…….

Week9 29A_2_ Parents Notice.pdf

謝謝家長的配合,以及同學們的努力練習,讓我們的"一言難盡中文班"相聲表演Project 能順利地如期完成雖有些生澀及夾帶洋腔洋調,同學們卻表演得很用心和開心請繼續加油喔! 


趙子杰和爸爸 說相聲

林季緯和媽媽 說相聲


then please try to answer below questions:







Content: 50% (時間掌控:2~3 分鐘); Performance: 50% (咬字清晰,聲調及情感表達expression) (4 wks –Due date:4/24/10) 

 胡锦涛当中文老师 ( 胡锦涛是:中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席。)

假如我是中文老師。。。。 謝禮

  假如我是中文老師。。。。 蔡博宇




x【遊戲學華語】功夫小子闖通關 Kung-fu Buster 

10 thoughts on “2010 Wk9 29A Parents Notice “一言難盡中文班”相聲表演剪影片段+口語評量:假如我是中文老師…….

  1. 1) The sky is seen as blue since the blue light from the sun hits the air molecules and scatters.
    2) It was developed by the Hindus in India around 600 A.D.
    3) Due to lack of use of this vestigial organ, the tail isn’t visible and has slowly disappeared over evolution.
    4) The main function of the eyebrows are to prevent moisture (salty sweat, rain) from entering the eye, an organ that is needed in survival.
    5) Rice Cake

  2. 1. 因為陽光在空氣中會折射.
    2. 印度人
    3. 無尾熊有尾巴, 只是退化了.
    4. 保護眼睛
    5. rice cake

  3. Dear Sandra: I am so impressive your work. You provide more detail than what I expected. You definitely earn your extra credit for participate. (10 points — CSL3)

  4. 1) The blue light from the sun strikes the air molecules and scatters and our eyes see it as blue, so the sky is seen as blue.
    2) They were developed in India by the Hindus around 600 A.D.
    3) I didn’t understand this
    4) Main function of the eyebrows is to prevent moisture, mostly salty sweat and rain, from flowing into the eye, an organ critical to survival.
    5) Rice Cake.

  5. Dear teacher,
    1)The sunshine in the air will refract, therefore we 看它的顏色.
    3)有, 因為 degradation of 很少看不到了.
    4)protect the eye
    5) rice cake

  6. 1.因為溫暖的陽光在空氣中會折射所以我門的眼睛蔡(才)會看到顏色.
    3.有, 因為退化了所以幾乎看不到了.


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