Week7 教學聯絡單- 課堂分組活動– 網站的認識和運用 + 倉頡輸入法之父 朱邦復先生+看影片說故事-『倉頡的眼淚』 + 錄音作業(Voxopop, Voki)

課堂分組活動  P.27 P.29 – 網站的認識和運用

倉頡輸入法之父 朱邦復先生

補充教材:朱邦復維基百科 由於其對中文電腦發展的眾多貢獻,台灣及香港地區的華人譽其為「中文電腦之父」。亦因其個性獨具,天馬行空,被人稱為「中文電腦瘋子」



倉頡輸入法原名「形意檢字法」。 一九七八年被蔣緯國先生正式命名為「倉頡輸入法」。在一九七九年台灣生產出第一台中文電腦天龍中文電腦」。這也是中文正式進入電腦的年代。


請問這個影片在說什麼?為什麼倉頡會掉眼淚?            請說說看『聖』字的意涵(meaning)是什麼?


(i) You need to sign up a free Voxopop account to access this assignment. (username, password, e-mail address,country, you can upload your picture or simply use the icom they provid.) http://www.voxopop.com/signup

(ii) Once you have your Voxopop account, click below link to join the talkgroup. http://www.voxopop.com/topic/319a33df-319d-439b-82f5-c1dace631aa4

please login, click "Record a message", 錄音使用方式:可打字,用電話或用麥克風錄音。Then, it will automatically upload and line up with 我的錄音檔. Try it out and have fun. 

錄音作業:Voki, 請從中國話歌詞(9 ),選擇兩則你最喜歡的中國話繞口令,再用Voki  錄音,你就會看到你的avatar替身在說繞口令喔。Please visit http://blog.huayuworld.org/eclassfun/11211/2010/10/07/16583.

 Please complete both 錄音作業assignments by 11/5/ 11.


鄭家因                               黃新月            黃新月

  余偉威                               賈澍華                               黎洋瑞                    
          黎洋瑞                      崔松雨          呂碧雲

王子芸                                              梁詠文

43 thoughts on “Week7 教學聯絡單- 課堂分組活動– 網站的認識和運用 + 倉頡輸入法之父 朱邦復先生+看影片說故事-『倉頡的眼淚』 + 錄音作業(Voxopop, Voki)

  1. Hi 黃新月: You are Excellent No.3.-Voxopop. (100+3)繞口令念得大聲又清楚,尤其是用竹板打拍子,更增加韻味.I like your work very much. : )

  2. Hi 謝品(Ping): Great!! You are Excellent No.2.-Voxopop.音準和腔調都很好,但是你也忘記告訴大家為什麼你會選擇「有個小孩叫小杜..」做為你的Voxopop project 繞口令. (98+4)

  3. 陳慶俞(Brandon): You are Excellent No.1.-Voxopop. Good job!! but your recording was cut before you finished the job, and you didn’t provide the reason why you choose that as your favorite 繞口令. (95+5)

  4. There was Chang Jie and he read a card in simplified Chiese and got mad at hte words. Then, he went to a school in Taiwan and saw a teacher teaching about chinese. Chang Jie saw it and was happy, so he cried.

    聖 means god
    耳 means ear and 口 means mouth.

    sorry, I forgot to do it.

  5. “聖”這個字裡面有”耳”和”口”.這兩個字的意思是:



  6. This video is about a little kid that got a card from someone and became angry after he couldn’t understand simplified words, so he went to 倉頡 and told him to look at the card for him. 倉頡 and the little kid went to Taiwan and went for a walk. At the end, they stopped by a schoolhouse and saw children learning chinese.
    The word 聖 consisted of other words.
    耳=listens attentively
    口=to enunciate

  7. Hi Yvonne Chen: Goood job, you did provide the main idea about this video. You are Good No.8. (100/100)

  8. 5.This story is about a boy ,in heaven,got a name card from someone and showed it to 倉頡 to see. When he saw it, he got mad with the simplified words. Then he and the kid went a stroll in Taiwan. They saw a bunch of students learning some chinese words.
    The word 聖 is made of the words
    耳-listens well
    口-speaks clearly and understandable
    倉頡 is crying because he saw that people still understands some tradtional words

  9. 黃新月:Nice work. You are Good No.7. But 倉頡會掉眼淚,並不是因為學的人比較容易記住。而是因為文字創造的精神和意義沒有被破壞. (100/100)

  10. 親愛的蔡老師,
    倉頡的眼淚:小男孩唸到一個「圣」字, 他就以為那是一個「怪」字。他去問他的老師倉頡,那是一個什麼字?老師很難過的說,這個字不是「怪」,是「聖」字。「圣」是「聖」的簡體字。他很傷心因為倉頡不喜歡這種簡體字,他比較喜歡他的發明因為學的人比較容易記住。

  11. Hi 余偉威: You are Good No.6.Thank you for your translation for the whole story, but you just have a little be mistake. Taiwan learn in Tradition Chinese, but you typed in simplified. And 聖字,需要更深一層的意涵解釋,而不是照字面的翻譯解說而已.(96/100)

  12. Chang Jie created the chinese words from pictures. he was explaining to a kid. Later the kid told him there was a party. Chang Jie told him to go and return with any news. When the kid arrived this man gave him a buisness card. He read it ghoul. The man said it was simplified. The kid returned with the news. Chang Jie was furious. They traveled into China and saw everything was simplified Chinese. Then they went to Taiwan, they saw kids learning simplified. He was so happy.

  13. Hi 黃俐貝: You are Good No.5. Your answer for 為什麼倉頡會掉眼淚?is not hit point yet. (90+1)

  14. The meaning of 聖 means sacred. The part
    耳 means ear. 耳 is in the word because it
    means to hear clearly and know right from
    wrong. 口 means mouth. In the word 聖, 口
    means to talk clearly. When 口 and 耳 are
    put together, it means sacred. 倉頡 had
    cried tears because he was happy that
    people liked his word creation.

  15. 5) The meaning of “sheng4” is that there is “er3” for the ear, so you can hear things better and clearer and tell what is right and wrong. There is “kou3” for the mouth, so you can talk clearer. When they are put together, it is “sheng4”. 倉 “chang1” “jie2” cried because he is glad people are using his invention.

  16. Hi 黎洋瑞: You are Brilliant No.3 — Voki. (90+3)

    Please follow the insturction promptly. Your 1st tong twister is too simple, and #2 maybe more suitable for the other project requirement.

  17. The meaning of 聖 is that there is 耳 for the ear, so you can hear things clearly and tell what is right or wrong. There is 口 for the mouth, so you can speak clearly. When they are combined, it is 聖. 倉 頡 cried because he is happy some people are using his creation.

  18. The meaning of 聖 is that there is 耳 for the ear you can listen clear, and tell from right and wrong. There is 口 for the mouth. you can teach clear. Combine them together become 聖 . The reason why the man cried was because he saw the teacher teaching her students the meaning of 聖, and he is so happy to see his creation continues.

  19. 5.倉 頡 巡 視 人 間 的 漢 字 使 用 情 形. 他 發 現 到 處 都 在 使 用 簡 體 字 使 他 非 常 傷 心. 幸 好 他 在 台 灣 發 現 他 創 造 的 漢 字 仍 然 被 保 存 及 使 用 令 他 感 動 的 掉 眼 淚.
    聖 是 一 個 人 有 個 大 耳 朵 表 示 聽 得 清 能 明 辨 是 非, 口 字 表 示 說 得明 能 傳 道 解 惑.

  20. 測試結果
    題號 答題選擇 對錯 正確答案
    1 C C
    2 A A
    3 D D
    4 B B
    5 C C
    6 C C
    7 A A
    8 B B
    9 D D
    10 A A

  21. 題號 答題選擇 對錯 正確答案
    1 C C
    2 A A
    3 D D
    4 B B
    5 C C
    6 C C
    7 A A
    8 B B
    9 D D
    10 A A
  22. Dear Hazel: Yes, please send the attached file to my e-mail address as before. And this comment box for text only.I would like to encourage you to type more chinese while our communication online. O.K.? 加油!Thanks & Best regards, 

  23. Hi 蔡老師, I have done my han yu ping yin homework but i dont know how to attach it.  Can i send it through email?  Thank you.~Hazel


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