萬里長城 補充教材【課後延伸學習-孟姜女傳奇影片】

課堂分組活 動,討論 萬里長城有多長:


萬里長城The Great Wall Of China東起渤海灣的山海關經過北京黃河沿著絲路的北邊而行至甘肅省的嘉峪關全長6,700公里總共有13,400華里1公里=2華里),所以叫做萬里長城亦有人叫做中國長城長城平均高度為7.8米,平均底部闊6.5米,而頂部為5.8。它每隔100米便設一座長方形石台作為瞭望之用是中國古代的浩大軍事防禦工程




1. 長城的建築材料是什麼?是鋼筋水泥做基礎的嗎?[萬里長城的材質]


2.  什麼是"箭孔"?



3. 什麼是"烽火臺"?是作什麼用的?

烽火台: 長城體系設有好多烽火台作為情報傳遞系統。根據歷史文獻、出土漢簡同埋實地考察可知,烽火台的數量有好多而且一直延伸到長城以外好遠的地方。在險要地方設置烽火台,一旦發現敵情,便立刻發出警報:白天點燃摻有狼糞的柴草,使濃煙直上雲霄;夜裡則燃燒加有硫磺和硝石的乾柴,使火光通明,以傳遞緊急軍情。




『我登上了長城!』Look! 請瞧瞧 my shirt!!


Chinese Music_ 孟姜女 by 童丽


以下錄音版本.它並非是唱十二月花名的《孟姜女》, 而是 唱四季的蘇州小調版《孟姜女過關》

孟姜女哭倒長城的故事[參考資料:華夏之旅 孟姜女哭長城 





孟姜女哭長城的故事,很快就被人們所傳頌,人們為紀念她,在山海關附近的一個山頭上,給她修了墳、建了廟,取名為"姜女廟"。 孟姜女萬里尋夫送寒衣,哭倒長城八百里的故事家喻戶曉,流傳至今。

百家講壇-浙江大學段懷清副教授的 孟姜女(一)万里寻夫 


[參考資料來源:維基百科/ 大紀元 文化網 修築萬里長城
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40 thoughts on “萬里長城 補充教材【課後延伸學習-孟姜女傳奇影片】

  1. 親愛的蔡老師,
    Q2: 箭孔:是用在古代打仗時候,人們可以用『箭孔』來放武器的一個一個的洞。這些洞還可以用來觀察敵人。隨時都有人在守衛以防止北方的敵人進入中國。
    Q3: 烽火台: 用烽火(smoke)來傳遞消息,告訴另外一邊的人有敵人來了,要準備好。在美國的印第安人也會用烽火“smoke signal“來傳遞消息。白天的時候就用黑煙,使濃煙直上雲霄;夜裡則燃燒加有硫磺和硝石的乾柴,使火光通明。

  2. 1) The Great Wall of China is made of wood,rock,earth,and瓦.Cement wasn’t available.
    2)箭孔or arrow hole is for archers to shoot arrows.
    3)The Beacon Tower is made for passing warnings by burning wolf’s dung.
    I learned a lot from this.

  3. 1. 是用土, 目, 和石頭做的.買有用水泥因為還沒發明.
    2. 是一個小洞用來射箭的. 裡面的人可以射出去, 可是外面的人不能射進去.

  4. 1.萬里長城是用土、木、石、瓦件等建成.
    2.箭孔是小洞, 以便防禦使用於觀察和射箭的動作.

  5. 1.她們用土,木,石座的.


    3.烽火臺是一個beacon.她們會send fire to warn about tresspassers.

  6. 1)The workers there used dirt, rock, and clay, but didn’t use concrete because it wasn’t available.

    2)The arrow holes are small holes in the wall that allowed soldiers to shoot arrows through it at their enemies while the enemies couldn’t shoot back.

    3)A beacon is a tower that sends a signal. They used it to alert people that there was danger. They used things that burnt easily like dung or firewood.

    I have been to the Great Wall once.

  7. 1. The workers used clay, wood, rocks, and dirt to build the Great Wall. They did not use cement, because they used whatever they could find that was available.

    2. The workers would stand at the holes and shoot at enemies. They would use arrows, and crossbows or turrets.

    3.The towers were used to send signals to the other towers by burning sulfur or wolf manure. Then the other towers would send the message to the other ones, to let them know that the enemies were coming, and to get ready for battle.


  8. I thought that Meng Jiang was a very interesting person. She was born out of a plant from two people, and so then every year, the Qin king person would make people go work at the Great Wall, and build it like slaves. So then she was to marry some guy, and on their wedding day, the police dudes came and took him to work as a slave. After that, then was going to like visit him or something like that, and then she found out that he died a few days before she got there, and she pretty much cried down the (not so great anymore since it like fell) Great Wall. Then a general scout person told the Qin king person that she cried down the (not-so-great) Great Wall. When the Qin guy saw her, he wanted to marry her and so he like forced her to marry him. So like then she made him promise three things, that he would find the dead husband’s body(eew), get like a awesome funeral, and like a monument thing for him. Also get like this tent thing for her to ride in. And on their wedding day, she like went kamikaze and suicided to join her dead husband by jumping into the water. I am very inspired by her actions…because I wouldn’t do crazy stuff like suicide.

  9. Meng Jiang is really inspiring…
    I think her story is really sad.

    She was born between two families, and in that time period, the Emperor would take young men and force them to work at the Great Wall. To prevent from being taken, a young man sought refuge, and the Meng family found him. Meng Jiang and the young man got married, but he was taken to work at the Wall. She became filled with grief as time passed, and she set out to find him. Reaching the Great Wall, she discovered that he had died a few days after arriving… So, she mourned him, and kept crying, and a section of the wall came down! The “Project Director” reported this to the Emperor, and he went to investigate. Finding Meng Jiang, he wished to marry her, and she agreed, on three conditions. Each was about a proper funeral for her husband. So, he agreed, and did the three things. However, she then suicided by jumping in a lake/ocean..

    Wow, she was willing to go through so much. I think she’s really inspiring 🙂

  10. Meng Jiang is really inspiring…
    I think her story is really sad.

    She was born between two families, and in that time period, the Emperor would take young men and force them to work at the Great Wall. To prevent from being taken, a young man sought refuge, and the Meng family found him. Meng Jiang and the young man got married, but he was taken to work at the Wall. She became filled with grief as time passed, and she set out to find him. Reaching the Great Wall, she discovered that he had died a few days after arriving… So, she mourned him, and kept crying, and a section of the wall came down! The “Project Director” reported this to the Emperor, and he went to investigate. Finding Meng Jiang, he wished to marry her, and she agreed, on three conditions. Each was about a proper funeral for her husband. So, he agreed, and did the three things. However, she then suicided by jumping in a lake/ocean..

    Wow, she was willing to go through so much. I think she’s really inspiring 🙂

  11. 1. The workers there used rock, clay, and dirt instead of concrete to build the Great Wall, because they didn’t have concrete yet! 🙂 (It must’ve been hard because dirt is kind of weak!)

    2. Archers would stand at the holes and shoot at enemies. I think this is smart, because it’s harder to kill the archers if they shoot from there.

    3. The towers were like “signals”. Each tower was would alert people of invasions. They used things that were burnt easily and release smoke. Depending on the level of the invasion, there would be different amounts of smoke. (BIG INVASION!-a lot of smoke, Small Invasion- a little bit of smoke) This is also very smart! :]

    Wow, the Chinese used a lot of smart things regarding the Great Wall… I really learned a lot from this..

    The Great Wall has so much history…

  12. Dear 孟婕琦(Regina): You are good reader no. 1.

  13. Hi 黎祐瑄: 老師有注意到你試著打簡體字作答. You are 勤學 No. 8. 我很喜歡你的懷疑態度和科學精神. (5 分)

  14. 万里长城有一个烽火台。我觉得烽火台是很特别的设计。当有敌人来的时候,他们放烟和鸣炮来警告别人。我很怀疑在月球上真的可以看到万里长城吗。

  15. Dear 謙謙(Wilson):很高興你能看完所有的videos, you are 勤學 No. 6.(1分) You can earn more points for anwering the questions about the video during the class lesson.

  16. Dear Cai Lao Shi,
    I looked all the videos and thought….

  17. 1.萬里長城 是 用土,木,石,瓦 來建立的.

  18. Hi甘易修(Jasper):很高興經由this article, you learned more about Great Wall.you are 勤學 No. 4. (2分)

  19. They did’t use concrete, but instead used rock, clay, and dirt. There were holes for people to shoot crossbow or arrows.If there was a invation, the smoke will travel to the next tower.

  20. 1. The Chinese workers used rock, clay, and dirt instead of concrete. This is always due to the fact that concrete wasn’t developed at that time in history.

    2. People would stand behind the holes to shoot arrows or crossbows at enemies.

    3. Each tower was used to alert an incoming invasion. Grasses that burnt easily were used, and if an invasion was detected, the smoke would travel to each tower. If there was a lot of smoke, the invasion was worse than an invasion alerted by small amounts of smoke.

  21. 1.The people used rock, clay, and dirt. Not concrete

    2.The holes were used for arrows or crossbows.

    3.The towers were signal to signal invasions. They did it by grasses which could burn easily and that traveled fast to each tower releasing smoke. The more bigger the smoke the bigger the invasion

  22. 1. The Great Wall was made out of clay, rock, and dirt.
    2. It is used for archers to shoot arrows at enemies.
    3. It is used to alert people when the enemies are coming by smoke.

  23. 1)its made of stone and mud. its not made of concrete and steel

    2)its used to pass messages to to others if some one is attacking

    3)used 4 shooting arrows at enemies

  24. 1.the wall was made of sand, clay,reeds, dirt, rocks and bricks. They didnt build it with concrete.2. They used it for shooting arrows. 3.They used it to use smoke as signals.

  25. Dear Ryan & Jonathan:Super great job!! This is 1st step of the information you need for your power point presention. I will show you the detail tomorrow during the class lesson.

  26. 1. The wall was made of brick, stone and dirt. It isn't made of concrete or steel.2. 箭孔 is a hole in the wall that allows archers to shoot at the enemy.3.it's used to alert the soldiers all throughout the wall in the night. They burn stuff to signal each other.

  27. 1. They used clay and rocks to build the great wall. No it is not made out of concrete and steel2. it is made for bowmen or people who shoot arrows at people. It is where you shoot the arrows out of.3. it is a signal tower and it releases smoke and the other towers will know that an invasion is about to happen and they should start preparing for battle


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