西遊記 補充教材 影片欣賞─ 猴王初問世+ 鐵扇公主(三借芭蕉扇) + 三打白骨精+女兒國


 西遊記 (Xi You Ji) Journey to the West – 第一集 猴王初問世

影片欣賞鐵扇公主(三借芭蕉扇) + 三打白骨精




[課後延伸學習] : 

中華文化天地 古典小說賞析 [觀看影片]




「西遊記」的原著作者是(吳承恩)。 <請反白見答案>

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11 thoughts on “西遊記 補充教材 影片欣賞─ 猴王初問世+ 鐵扇公主(三借芭蕉扇) + 三打白骨精+女兒國

  1. 1.) 我最喜歡的是孫悟空,因為他很快,好戰士,而且非常聰明。

    2.) Video appears to be broken

  2. 1)我喜歡孫悟空最好的,因為他有很多的權力:他可以解除他的13,500斤的員工,他是非常快的, 他是一個很好的戰鬥機
    2) The Second video did not work

  3. Dear Cai Lao Shi,
    I watched the Xi You Ji video and I liked the first one better than #2. The monkey looked cool when he came out of the rock,even though I didn’t understand it much, it was still awesome. By the way, I’ll miss you this week, since there is a substitute. Best regards. 🙂

  4. Dear Christopher:I cut short the video, because only the first 2 is related to our lesson, and these 2 shuld be consider as one continue story. Due to YouTube has limited the length for each video (10 min.)  I am planing next week will be have the other story for my 6 grader students. I would forward the link for you to watch.

    Dear Derek & Edward: I am glad you two love to see Xi You Ji video.Especially Derek knows Xi You Ji since his is 5.

  5. Dear Cai Laoshi,I like the Xi You Ji video because it is very interesting and funny to see a monkey be born out of a rock.  Will watch it again and again. Thanks

  6. Dear Cai Laoshi,I like the #2 better than #1.  Same as Chris.  My grandpa has the whole package of the Xi You Ji DVD.  I watched the Xi You Ji since I was 5 years Old.  I love it.

  7. Dear Lao Shi,

    Next time, could you add more videos please? I like #1 better than #2.

    Thank you for the videos!!!



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