Week4 CSL3 Go300 第二課 學校活動- Lesson 2 School Activities

榮譽榜(Super Student of the Week ): Deeba Khosravi

CSL3 課堂分組學習活動


網路拼音教室 第二課 b、p、m、f、d、t、n、l(ㄅ、ㄆ、ㄇ、ㄈ、ㄉ、ㄊ、ㄋ、ㄌ)請打開喇叭(speakers),並按下面圖片,先觀賞動畫教學





19 thoughts on “Week4 CSL3 Go300 第二課 學校活動- Lesson 2 School Activities

  1. Hi Sam: I am glad you enjoy the typing game now. Good for you and you have earned the extra +2 points for your participate.

  2. Hi Sean and Tim: Received your test result of b、p、m pinyin drill by e-mail. Each of you earned +3 participate points.

  3. Chloee: You are Fantastic No 5. (+2) Don’t worry about the speed, this is just a beginning. Please keeep going.

  4. Dear Sean: I know it is not easy, that’s why I mark down the cat game is opetional. Anyway, you have done your effort on pratice. You are Fantastic No.4.(+2)

  5. Dear Deeba and Yasna: I received your print screen test result for bpm practice, and each one of you will receive 3 points for this effort.

  6. Dear Deeba and Yasna: Thank you for your feedback, You did provide the feedback in 2 different reply lines, but I need them in your own wording , not just copy 2 of the same words. Then, I can base on the wording and the receiving order to issue the credit for each student promptly.

  7. Justin: You are Fantastic No.1 (+5) You got stage level 8, for total score of 51. And you earned 5 extra participate points.


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