Week6 CSL3 聲調 + 標點符號 – 『中秋節』補充教材 和[猴子撈月]故事欣賞

榮譽榜(Super Student of the Week ): Sean Sananikone



 There are 4 types of tones
一声(yi sheng) :  High and Level
二声(er sheng) : Starts medium in tone, then rises to the top.
三声(san sheng) :Starts low, dips to the bottom, then rises toward the top.
四声(si sheng):Starts at the top, then falls sharp and strong to the bottom


 学汉语 标点符号歌


 Moon Festival ◆嫦娥奔月


For non-Chinese speaking students, please watch below video for the legend story.

Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋節


中秋節又叫做什麼節? 月餅又叫做什麼餅?



全家人坐在一起賞月吃月餅,心裡充滿了(  )的喜悅和(  )的歡樂。

The Mid-Autumn Festival / The Moon Festival  


What did you learn from this video?  Do you know how tranditional mooncake are made? Do you like the paper lantern or plastic lantern?

Yassna: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0KImnfJBEpl

同學們,每年的農曆八月十五日是中國人的中秋節,你吃月餅了嗎?你還知道有哪些其他節慶的應景美食呢?請來考考你的實力。請告訴老師,你花了多少時間完成這小測驗? (遊戲摘錄自僑教雙週刊538) 節慶與美食配對遊戲 





23 thoughts on “Week6 CSL3 聲調 + 標點符號 – 『中秋節』補充教材 和[猴子撈月]故事欣賞

  1. I liked the paper lantern more than the plastic lantern.I like the paper lantern more because it looks a lot better than the plastic lantern.

  2. The monkey story is funny.The water was really clear and it really did look like the monkeys had scooped up the moon.

  3. I like bigger paper lantern. The big ones are beautiful. The moon cake is made with yolk and lotus and other yummy stuff.

  4. I watched the moon cake festival video. I saw people eating fruits and cake. They looked at the moon. Is the moon always full on Moon Festival?

  5. On the The Mid-Autumn Festival / The Moon Festival,I like the paper lantern more than the plastic lantern.I like the paper because it is easier to decompose than the plastic which takes thousands of years to decompose.

  6. Dear Justin: I did see you put a lot of effort on online homework. Good Job!! You earned extra 2 poins for 節慶與美食配對遊戲; and the other 2 points for 嫦娥奔月.

  7. Laoshi,

    The monkey video is unsual.
    The answer to your question:

    No,the moon did not fall into the well.It was just the reflection of the moon.

  8. Laoshi,

    I think I will like the paper lanterns because I have never tried them. They come in all shapes and colors.

  9. Dear Edward: Thank you for your reply and tell me what you like. Yes, moon cake is very special food for 中秋節。You are Super 2.

  10. Cai Laoshi,

    Now I know why Chinease people eat moon cake,because it reminds the family members and friends don’t live with them. Derek.


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