Week8 CSL3 Parents Notice 用心做好 – 榮譽榜 We try our best to do the best +介紹部首:心+打鬼遊戲 +反義(相反)詞 + 真假成績單

榮譽榜(Week 5 Super Student of the Week ): 黃媁婷Chloee Wong
榮譽榜(Week 6 Super Student of the Week ):
李可莉Caleigh Gunawan 努力學習進步獎
榮譽榜(Super Student of the Week – Honor Roll ):
王興偉Justin Wong 2nd time


The Story of Chinese Character :

The Story of Chinese Character : is the picture of heart. Ancient Chinese thought
that heart was an extremely important organ, so the vocabulary which bear
also imply the meaning about importance. On thr
other hand, heart has been being seen as an organ which dominates human
can be
used to describe human mentality.

 打鬼遊戲遊戲規則(Hit the ghost – Play rules)                                                         Look thrugh the question and think the right answer before you click the "start" mouse, when you see the right answer,hit harder.看到答案就用力打下去


Please click the "next" mouse for next question. You can continue to play until you hit "exit" mouse. Otherwise, it will repeat and repeat all 10 questions

打完後請寫出你花了多久時間,一共得到多少分? How much time you spent? and what scores you got?


世界游泳健將Michael Phelps Learning Mandarin

我們來聽聽Michael Phelps 在影片裏學了那些中國字和句子?Please list the Chinese characters, phrases and the
sentences, Michael Phelps he learned from the lesson.

你覺得他有那些字的發音需要改進的嗎?Any words or
sentences, you think you can help him to improve his pronunciation?

Do you think Michael Phelps try his best to learn the Chinese? How about you?


 汉语 – 15 – 反义词Please list all the – 反义词 you can find from the video, and the one you
learned before. For example: <—-> 壞(坏)
; 早<—->


20120506《唐朝小栗子》真假成績單 -- What did you learn from this vedio?

18 thoughts on “Week8 CSL3 Parents Notice 用心做好 – 榮譽榜 We try our best to do the best +介紹部首:心+打鬼遊戲 +反義(相反)詞 + 真假成績單

  1. Do you think he has a need to improve the pronunciation of those words? No he doesn’t because only some people can pronounce all the words correctly. Do you think Michael Phelps try his best to learn the Chinese? Yes because it shows his hard work in the video.

  2. Hi Sam: I am expecting to receive more feedback from you.I know you can do it. You are Smart No.4.(+4)

  3. Justin: You are Smart No.A+. You just earned (+6 points)for 打鬼遊戲+ 真假成績單, especially the 反义词.Great job!!

  4. Hi 老師,

    In the 真假成績單 video,I learned that you should not lie and to always be honest.

    If you lie,your parents will be even more upset and disappointed when they have find out the truth.We always have to be brave to tell the truth.

  5. I think Michael Phelps did his best doing Chinese because it is
    hard also if he went to china the language would be very helpful for a example if he got lost he could ask for directions

  6. Dear Deeba:

    Thank you so much for your sharing about Michael P. learning Chinese with your learning experience as well. (+2)

  7. I think Michael Phelps tried his best to learn Chinese because first, you cannot make any sounds correctly in Chinese. The same thing happened to me the first month I went to Chinese school. I try my best in Chinese because my parents think that when you know more languages, you can understand people more. Also, China is a big country and you might have to go to China for your work. If you don’t know Chinese, you might not be able to answer any questions people ask you there.


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